Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rage Against The Machine: Target L:X

@judy just me, e. @ElyssaD but if his story repeats. #Quote anonymous ~ "Elyssa doesn't live here anymore" Just ask @marc ~or~ @marc like #omgcrazywtf or #OTWFN ??? #KnowWords I got your number. And I'm not afraid to use it! Phuck Phil! We're all screwed! Nobody wants 2 admit defeat. Not sure who is worse RWNJ or LW pass-the-buck-to-the-right using any means necessary. Or the blame-&-shame media whores & egos @david divided we fall. divided we fail. We are a sate divided. #TN act blue total disaster! Backfired! @tndp YOU fail. Now we all pay the price. BUT if #WEareNASHVILLE then clean it up because we fail miserably at misdirected cues. Get a clue not a cue. MY voice does matter. #dealwithit YES! WE! WE fail. @tndp just let the chips fall where they may... $5.44 where is MY non-profit return of receipt. Ethics! @ofa WHO are you. WHO do you represent? WHAT in "gods" name are you thinking. Ignored. Defriended. Stigmatized. Gone but NOT forgotten. NOT erased. ETHICS! @sky do you represent Faux news @christian do u remember me now. MDHA. Reported. You came to me. Now you can't remember who - why? Really. Am I so easily forgotten. Hmmm... Kinda makes you wonder... @kathy you wanted it. U got it! There always a paper trail. And yours is more shameful than having toilet paper stuck on the bottom of your shoe. I'm done cleaning up other peoples shit. @karl TEN YEAR PLAN TO REDUCE HOMELESSNESS? That is 10 years too long. @scott can I have a copy of my file. @brady good move! Get out while you can. @nashvillehomeless

YOU DO IT! For one day! YOU do it!

@honey @mark I shall bear witness! Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Virgin Mobile.

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

The Powers That Beat: Know Words

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Know Words


apathy... it never really happened until it happens to you!

#apathy #WEareNASHVILLE #dealwithit #BlackSheep #family #ONE #KnewWords #KnowWords

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Foreshadowing: oN nOt BeInG AbLe 2 RiGhT #KnewWord #p2 [unedited]

Friday, July 30, 2010

Help NPR beat FOX News

Dear Friend,

On Sunday, the White House Correspondents Association will decide which
news organization will be awarded the seat recently vacated by Helen
Thomas. The news organizations most actively vying for the seat are FOX,
NPR and Bloomberg News.

FOX News is a right-wing propaganda outlet, not a legitimate news agency.
In recent weeks the network has turned the volume up on its race-baiting
political agenda. The media assault on Shirley Sherrod is just a latest in
a series of racist and politically motivated attacks on targets like Van
Jones, ACORN, and Eric Holder's Department of Justice.

It's bad enough that we have to fight the constant smear campaigns and
appeals to racial paranoia from FOX and the right-wing media. We can't let
them have the best seat in the White House press briefing room and the
legitimacy that it confers.

I just told the White House Correspondents Association to give the best
seat in the briefing room to NPR, not FOX. I hope you will, too.

Have a look and take action at the link below.

Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by Virgin Mobile.

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Excuses: Almost Visible, Barely Audible @ICPCHAD @JEANETTEJOY #ICP TwitterVersus #books

Excuses: Almost Visible, Barely Audible

I received this from a dear friend who took this complicated journey over almost one year to the day. Thank you, Mya, for taking this journey with me.

As for excuses: your enemies won't believe them, and your friends won't need them.

It was in my darkest hour that I first met Mya.

She changed my life. As night rolled in and the fear of having no place to go, she helped me to see that I was not alone. As I tweeted through the dark shadows of night feeling barely audible, it was then I realized I was @almostvisble.

With much love and gratitude,


Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

TwitterVersus: Dedication Page below #ICP #books ~Closer To Fine~ @icpchad [unedited]


Marc Durant Marc Durant Mike Dammann Patrice Anthonio [YES, DAD THINK HE IS WORTHY OF TWO FACEBOOK PAGES... KINDA CURIOUS]

I'm trying to tell you something 'bout my life! I went to the doctor of philosphy, he created my performance. He said he could see through me." I spent 4 years [10 years ssdd] but I got my paper and I was "FREE!"

You lied, daddy. I wasn't free. How can i believe in the promised land if you lied for so long.

You lied.

You told me to smile pretty for the cameras and everything was WONDERFUL!"

Do you even remember? I was 15. Told you I needed to see a doctor. A professional. I prayed for death every single night. Same year you respectfully requested the court vacate all support orders [including QCMSO] Agust 15, 1988. I remember! When I walked out the courtroom onto Market Street you told to smile pretty but don't say a word. Gag order. Five Squad. I know you are ashamed to have such a liberal outspoken smart-ass-big-mouth for #OffSpring. But tell my brothers I love them, because i sense this i goodbye.

The #BlackSheep went to YOUR doctor.

Nemzoff. The same one who diagnosed David shapiro when he was charged with 23 counts of #fraud. He surrendered his law license after spending a month or so in Club Head. Horsham clinic Ibelieve. And we got to stay at his "shore house" in Avalon while he did HIS time. After a month inthe loony bin "Club Head" his sentence for 23 counts of fraud were suspended... "the shame and embarrassment of his behaviour was enough. #whitecollar "There are no victims here" Wanna bet?

... to be continued..

Turns out! I am OTWFN! "Off the wall fucking nuts" See? I was listening. The family made jokes. Told me I wasn't smart enough. Didn't need to be smart. Just pretty. A cheerleader... Penn State State Penn. Thank you. I could use a vacation at Club Head. $34,000 vacaton. AND IT IS FREE TO ME! SEE YA! :))

because tweting from my worst living hell... I will always remember that night @donnette @paulbritphoto @almostvisible when i looked into spotty's eyes and saw the fear. teror. lost. #homeless and when I looked into her eyes it hit me. i was looking at my own reflection.

@Donnette said, "go inside baby gurl" and i told her with tears in my eyes as i sat on the curb holding Spotty's trembling body, "I can't. I have nowhere to go" Trying to keep her warm at 3am. Shivering in the darkness...I told @donnette for the first time-- #homeless

A feel it right now. The tears, the #NashvilleFlood tells us WE are NOT Nashville. And I wondered what Spoty did. And then I wrote this...

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous


  1. The Powers That Beat

    Jul 28, 2010 ... Elyssa Durant: Nashville, TN, United States: A little bit of everything... mostly free range ranting. If first thought is best thought, ... - Cached - Similar
  2. Elyssa Durant (ElyssaD) on Twitter

    After a year-- sharing ugly secrets and the most despicable of crimes; This is me. My name is Elyssa. I provided the dots. Very few managed to connect them. - Cached
  3. Elyssa Durant's Contributor Profile - Associated Content ...

    By Elyssa Durant | Published 6/3/2009. The Dog Ate My Homework ... By Elyssa Durant | Published 3/27/2009. On Not Being Able to Write ... - Cached - Similar
  4. Images for ELYSSA DURANT

     - Report imagesThank you for the feedback.Please report the offensive image.
  5. Articles by elyssa durant

    Words Associated with ELYSSA DURANT ... Articles Written by: ELYSSA DURANT ... From ELYSSA DURANT, Associated Content, 9 Feb 2010 ... - Cached - Similar
  6. Elyssa Durant Twitter Stats & Rankings (ElyssaD) |

    Stats & Rankings for Elyssa Durant. Twitter Page | Website. Bio: After a year-- sharing ugly secrets and the most despicable of crimes; This is me. ... - Cached
  7. Organizing for America | Elyssa Durant

    11 posts - 1 author - Last post: Nov 17, 2009
    Elyssa Durant/eds. October 27, 2009 13 years from the original date of ...... Elyssa Durant, Ed.M. Nashville, Tennessee (former doctoral ... - Cached
  8. Elyssa Durant - LinkedIn

    Greater Nashville Area - Research Analyst
    View Elyssa Durant's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Elyssa Durant discover ... - Cached
  9. ElyssaD | Elyssa Durant - Posterous

    ... tweeting every waking moment of my life. I provided all the dots. Very few have managed to connect them. My name is Elyssa. ... ElyssaD. Elyssa Durant ... - Cached
  10. Elyssa Durant (ElyssaD on Twitter) was nominated for a Shorty Award

    Hey, are you Elyssa Durant? Claim your page and fill out your profile! Log in →. 2 votes in activism. If the number of votes for you fluctuates, ... - Cached
  11. Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) - The Twitter List Directory - Mashable

    After a year-- sharing ugly secrets and the most despicable of crimes; This is me. My name is Elyssa. I provided the dots. Very few managed to connect them. - Cached

okay... so which one of you mother fuckers reported imsge to #google. oh... that right... 12,800 #404 kaboom. #LetItBURN.

Marc Durant Marc Durant Mike Dammann Patrice Anthonio I'm trying to tell you something 'bout my life! I went to the doctor of philosphy, he created my performance. He said he could see through me." I spent 4 years [10 years ssdd] but I got my paper and I was "FREE!" You lied daddy. I wasn't free. How can i believe in the promised landif you lied for so long. You lied. Told me to smile pretty for the cameras and everything was WONDERFUL!" Do you rememeber me? I was 15. Same year you respectfully requested the court vacate all support orders [including QCMSO] Agust 15, 1988. I remember! When I walked out the courtroom onto Market Street you told to smile pretty but don't say a word. Gag order. Five Squad. I know you are ashamed tp have such a liberal outspoken smart-ass-big-mouth for #OffSpring. But tell my brothers I love them, because i sense this i goodbye. The #BlackSheep went to YOUR doctor. Nemzoff. Turns out! I am OTWFN! "Off the wall fucking nuts" See? I was listening. The family made jokes. Told me I wasn't smart enough. Didn't need to be smart. Just pretty. A cheerleader... Penn State State Penn. Thank you. I could use a vacation at Club Head. $34,000 vacaton. AND IT IS FREE TO ME! SEE YA! :))

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Thursday, July 29, 2010

iSPY CyberSpies Twitter - SSL Certificate Errors "We 'believe this issue has been resolved." and you would be wrong!


SSL Certificate Errors 1 day ago

We’re looking into expired SSL certificate errors now and working quickly to resolve it. The problem affects a small portion of TweetDeck API requests.

Update (11:05 PST, 18:05 UTC): We believe this issue has been resolved.

We believe this issue has been resolved.

“Currently disabled”




"Whoa there: this triggered algorithim"

iSPY CyberSpies. CyberCrimes perhaps? hi daddy, have YOU met trevor?

[data read via]

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

runuser: YOU DO IT!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Elyssa Durant
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2010 11:10:16 -0500

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

now public.

Slashdot @badwebsites runuser whois: "corrupted"

Currently disabled



"Whoa there: this triggered algorithim [data read via]

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

TweetDeck Support : Look up definitions of hashtags using Tagdef < step 1

Support Documents & Forums / Desktop - Feature Requests

PlannedDoneNot planned

Look up definitions of hashtags using Tagdef

suggested this on Mar 21 18:59

When a tweet contains a #hashtag, it would be useful if Tweetdeck had an option to display the meaning of this tag. This can be done using the api ( of Tagdef suports multiple definitions for a tag, and the api can either return the top definition, or a sorted list of definitions. This can be useful as tags sometimes have more than one valid definition. 


full disclosure: is my website, but I think other users of Tweetdeck also might find it useful. 

You and 0 People like this

stay tuned... must locate neighbor.... but i "promise" not to disappoint!

"A black sheep stands out from the herd"

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Look up hashtags in twitter clients << #censored NOW.... Stay tuned.... WATCH & LEARN!

Seesmic powerful twitter-client on multiple platforms.
Tweetdeck - Leading desktop and iPhone twitter-client
Gravity - the leading Symbian (Nokia) twitter-client I GIVE UP... FOR NOW... I have one mre trick up my sleeve... stay tuned tweeps... remember.. I'm the #Blacksheep

"A black sheep stands out from the herd"

(S)he was the black sheep in the family, an artist among lawyers... edited [edd, edm, eds.] Original reads: "He always was the black sheep in the family, as an artist among doctors and lawyers." #BlackSheep

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

What does #blacksheep mean on Twitter? <------- NO FURTHER QUESTIONS. I REST MY CASE.

No definitions for #blacksheep yet, why not write your own?

"No definitions have been entered?"
No further questions. I rest my case! @trevorspeaks @earthspeakorg @ElyssaD @firetown @icpchad @VixenDaLuxe Black sheep - Wikipedia #BlackSheep

@earthspeakorg #BackSheep #BlackBall #Scapegoat

What does #blacksheep mean on Twitter?

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Black sheep - Wikipedia @tagdef @newtagdef ENTER IT! #BlackSheep

Black sheep

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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A black sheep stands out from the herd
The Black Sheep, from a 1901 edition of Mother Goose by William Wallace Denslow.

In the English language, Black sheep is an idiom used to describe an odd or disreputable member of a group, especially within one's family. The term has typically been given negative implications, implying waywardness.[1] It derived from the atypical and unwanted presence of black individuals in herds of white sheep. The idiom is also found in other languages, e.g., French, Serbian, Bulgarian, Hebrew, Portuguese, Bosnian, Greek, Turkish, Dutch, Spanish, Czech, Romanian and Polish. There is an expression "white crow" ("белая ворона", "belaya vorona") in Russian.



[edit] Idiomatic usage

The term originated from the occasional black sheep which are born into a herd of white sheep due to a genetic process of recessive traits. Black wool was considered commercially undesirable because it could not be dyed.[1] In 18th and 19th century England, the black color of the sheep was seen as the mark of the devil.[2] In modern usage, the expression has lost some of its negative connotations, and the term is usually given to the member of a group who has certain characteristics or lack thereof deemed undesirable by that group.[3]

A variant form, "the red sheep of the family", was used by Jessica Mitford to describe herself, a communist in a family of aristocratic fascists.[4]

[edit] Biological origin

In sheep, whiteness is not albinism but a dominant gene that actively switches color production off. As a result, sheep blackness is recessive, and if a white ram and a white ewe are parents of a black lamb, both must be heterozygous for black, and then there is a 25% chance that the lamb will be black. A recent study done by the Agricultural University of Norway, and the Vollum Institute of the Oregon Health Sciences University believe the black color is created by an allele E D at the extension locus.[5]

[edit] Other uses

In psychology, the "black sheep effect" refers to the tendency of an in-group to treat or evaluate a member of its own more harshly than a similarly negative behavior or deed of an out-group member.[6]

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Ammer, Christine (1997). American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN 9780395727744. Retrieved 2007-11-13. 
  2. ^ Sykes, Christopher Simon (1983). Black Sheep. New York: Viking Press. p. 11. ISBN 0670172766. 
  3. ^ The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms. Houghton Mifflin Company. 1992. Retrieved 2008-03-24. 
  4. ^ "Red Sheep: How Jessica Mitford found her voice" by Thomas Mallon 16 Oct 2007 New Yorker
  5. ^ VåGe, Dag Inge; Dag Inge Våge, Helge Klungland, Dongsi Lu and Roger D. Cone (January, 1999). "Molecular and pharmacological characterization of dominant black coat color in sheep". Mammalian Genome (Springer New York) 10 (1): 39–43. doi:10.1007/s003359900939. ISSN [ (Print) 1432-1777 (Online) 0938-8990 (Print) 1432-1777 (Online)]. PMID 9892731. Retrieved 2008-03-31. 
  6. ^ Black sheep effect Psychology Lexicon. Retrieved on January 4, 2008

[edit] External links @trevorspeaks @icpchad @firetown @ElyssaD @VixenDaLuxe [definition can be edited] ;-)

file under: conspiracy; disambiguation [they even have a wiki for that]

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Saturday, July 24, 2010

On-Q Initiative - Youth for Truth - Peru / via @SydneyHomeless

On-Q Initiative - Youth for Truth - Peru



Youth 4 Truth - Amazon  Initiative

"Voices of the Amazon"

Video cameras are such a powerful weapon of truth against human rights abuse and government oppression.

Youth for Truth media  
empowering  indigenous youth living on the frontlines of climate change, environmental destruction and globalizations expansion with video cameras as strong defense against  human rights abuses, environmental destruction, and corporate and government oppression and Lies. .

We support a network of alternative media projects throughout the US and internationally and provide Video Cameras to primarily young Indigenous youth activists and environmental justice advocates as well as community leaders and communities living in conflict areas where Oil, Gas, Lumber and Mining projects threaten their people’s health, lands and survival.

We currently have 56 Y4T video cameras rolling in Alaska, Peru , Brazil  and Borneo and work to support an international  network of youth driven independent media, using websites like Youtube , Blogger, Face book, MySpace and Twitter

Through Y4T media campaigns we work to amplify the voices of the voiceless and engage in innovative and alternative ways to bring environmental and social justice stories to the attention of the international community while informing the public about news and information, often missing from the corporate media.


Youth 4 Truth- Young Voices of the Amazon

Youth 4 Truth- Amazonis all about bringing Video Cameras, Independant Media Training and Editing Computers to Indigenous Amazon Communities involved in the current mobilizations against  their governments attempts to sell out their community lands to the multinational extractive industries.


Cameras are distributed to  primarely YOUNG Indigenous Youth activists as well as Community Leaders and Communities living in conflict areas where Oil, Gas, Lumber and Mining projects threaten their peoples health ,lands and  survival.

As our video blog/ incident tracking Website is being build we have 56 Video Cameras collecting interviews , investigative footage and all the history in the making ... And once the new website is up , you will be able to view some of the great work our young Video activists are doing !

Having used my own resources to buy and bring 56 videocameras to Peru in June, I now count on all my friends to help support the cause, by making a small donation.

Your donations of even just $10 or $20 bucks can really ad up !


In this time and age of film, technology and independant media -using websites like Blogger, Facebook,Youtube ,Twitter and Myspace etc.  Indigenous Peoples of the Amazon embrace not only  the opportunity to share their stories and messages with the world, but have learned  to use the power of film in their quest for Justice and Truth ,using cameras as strong defense against  human rights abuses, environmental destruction, and oppression and Lies.

Right now there are 56  youth4truth Video Cameras rolling and I am looking for donations to support Indigenous youth  to attend one of two Video and Editing Workshops planned for the next couple moths.

Workshops will be facilitated by volunteer independant media journalists , professional videographers  and are free to all youth accepted into our program.

Why Peru ... whats going on in Peru?

While most of us know what importance the Amazon rainforest has for all of us as humanity and the survival all unborn generations... most people don’t know that more than 75% of the Peruvian Amazon has been allocated for oil and gas extraction.

Most People also don’t know very much about how the Free Trade Agreement between Peru and the US is affecting Peru’s Indigenous Peoples.

Also, it is shocking that many people also don’t know that in the early morning hours on June 6th special police forces followed orders and fired live ammunition and tear gas on Indigenous woman, children and man, who were participating in peaceful protests against a series of  new laws , passed by Peru’s Garcia regime.

Under the pretext of implementing the Free Trade Agreement with the United States, and using special FTA ‘fast track” powers, Garcia passing these new laws without having these laws go through Congress and without consulting indigenous peoples, even thought these new laws directly undermine indigenous peoples rights and violate rights recognized in the national constitution as well as in international treaties, including the United Nations declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Convention 169.

Implementing these new  legal decrees, result in a government backed land-grab by large international corporations and the extractive industries and set the stage for water privatization. , In spite of the fact that the consequences of such laws directly affecting  indigenous peoples life’s, wellbeing and in some cases even their survival, the new laws allow for Indigenous peoples to be excluded from the decision making process .

Since April 2009 more than 50,000 indigenous man woman and children have been holding peaceful protests and  blockading roads and river traffic throughout the Amazon, demanding the repeal of 10 of these new laws.

And while indigenous peoples were protesting, Garcia had signed 15 more contracts for oil concessions in the Amazon….

Unfortunately, as usual, these exploitive policies are promoted by and only benefit a handful of people, and impact the lives of many.

Sadly, Peruse government chose to take a big step backwards by selling out to the oil , mining and logging companies and even resorting to using military force and violence against a people who’s only arm is their simple present and their voice, to do so.

On May 9, 2009,the Peruvian government declared a state of emergency in the regions of Loreto, Amazonas, Cusco, and Ucayali in an attempt to criminalize and intimidate whatever protests occured on indigenous territory. This action was a license for the government to violently repress Indigenous by subjecting indigenous areas to military occupation in order to silence indigenous community opponents of extractive industries.

Under the emergency decree, all constitutional rights had been suspended — including the right to hold meetings and freedom of movement. The measure also permitted the use of armed forces against the civil population, criminalizing the legitimate rights and demands of the Peruvian indigenous nations, as well as endangering normal democratic rights.

At that time accurate news reports out of Peru were extremely scarce,.

However there was some Video and photo evidence which showed  police beating peaceful protesters and firing rubber bullets in order to break up demonstrations blocking roads and bridges.

Furthermore, In an aggressive harassment campaign, the Garcia government filed criminal charges of treason and sedition against 6 indigenous leaders including Alberto Pizango, president of AIDESEP, Peru's national indigenous organization.

Also, it became clear that the government was  carrying out a strategy to control press coverage of both the mobilization and the response.

In an attempt to criminalize the protesters, Garcia publicly, on television denounced Indigenous peoples to be enemies of the state and terrorists… Calling Indigenous peoples barbaric savages and third class citizen who stand in the way of progress for a better economy for Peru.

June 5th  – In the early morning at 2 am Peruvian Special Forces began to approach over 2500 peaceful demonstrators near Bagua , as they were sleeping. Following orders to crack down on they fired teargas and live ammunition from Helicopters and machine guns. Eyewitness reports tell us that this was not a clash, but a coordinated police raid with police firing on protesters from both sides of their blockade, firing live rounds into the crowd as people fled or got down on their knees and held their hands up, with police firing straight into their bodies as they asked for them not to shoot.

As the unarmed demonstrators were being killed and injured some wrestled with police, fighting back in self-defense, which resulted in the reported deaths of police officers.

Understandably, Peru’s Garcia Regime controls the media with the economic pressure, through favors and investments in advertising and access to government contracts… So for a while , all the media coverage coming out of Peru was only talking about how Savage Barbarian Indians had killed police officers.

Sadly there are still many manny people missing…. reports range from 40 to 900 missing indigenous bodies.

And sadly investigations continue to be tainted and manipulated by the power players… completely ignoring the voices of thousands of Peruvians…

The situation continues to be a big challenge… Even thought that the government is trying to present a more friendly image in public, many indigenous community leaders are  still being denounces as terrorists and enemies of the state, serving as scape goats for the massacre… And several Indigenous leaders had to flee, seeking asylum in the Nicaraguan embassy… While Garcia seems to be determined to continue 'business as usual'... he just signed another oil contract giving the green light to an Anglo-French company Perenco to drill 14 wells in Block 67.... Perenco's chairman, Francois Perrodo, met Peru's President Alan García in Lima and pledged to invest $2 billion in the project.

Perenco admits that contamination of soil and water due to drilling are possible consequences of its work...These impacts have grave implications for the survival of the "uncontacted" indigenous peoples believed to inhabit the area. More seriously, the indigenous inhabitants face the threat of contagion from diseases to which they have no immunity... something which very well may resulted in the genocide of an entire peoples. Seems like history might repeat itself ...  if we cant learned from the past...

We can not continue to exploit and rape mother earth in the name of Politics Greed. We can NOT eat , drink, or breath money or profits...  and pressing environmental issues facing our planet today are NOT confined within borders.

We all have one comon need as inhabitants of this planet... a clean healthy environment is important for all humanities survival       Some things don’t have a Price, they have Value !

My recent Trip to Peru :

Links to some of the Video and press:

Trip To Peru...

My main objective for me going to peru was to try to speak out against the recent killings of peaceful  indigenous protesters ordered by Peru's Garcia Regime ... and to call on the media  to start investigating and reporting the Truth instead selling out by printing and reporting a onesided stoty of  government propaganda  Lies. Given that the current regime of Alan Garcia has been manipulating the press , criminalizing indigenous peoples in the public eye and covering up the massacre in Bagua ,  I hoped that I could bring media attention and a Voice to my Amazonian brothers and sisters and their quest for Justice and Truth...

On June 10th at 2am I decided to grab a plane and fly to Peru … I just could not sit here in Hollywood anymore and do nothing ! It was definitely a last minute emergency trip…. But I just had to go and stand in solidarity and try to give voice to my amazon brothers and sisters who were being criminalized by their government and whos voices  are ignored by Peru’s propaganda media . I went to  speak out against President Garcias plans to exploit and rape the Amazon in the name of development and greed , speak out against the criminalization of indigenous protesters and to try to investigate the truth about what had happened in Bagua in the early morning of June 5th.

My arrival resulted in a big media circus ,  and since I spoke out against the government and media lies in press conference and interviews , the media attacked me… As I expected.

I even had people speculating that I must be financed by some foreign power to tumble the Garcia Regime…So it was quiet scary …

I brought 50 cameras, so people could tell their stories ,videotape the truth and let their voices bee heared through youtube, facebook,myspace and blogs.

Video cameras are such a powerful weapon of truth against human rights abuse and government oppression.

If it would not be for videos, Peru’s Garcia regime would have gotten away with lying about the violent massacre in Bagua.

The 50 cameras are strategically placed with indigenous youth who have either lost a loved one or participated in the protest . These young Video Warriors are currently collecting interviews and evidence as part on-Q initiatives  “Youth for Truth” Campaign … and they are not going to stop until we know what happened to the many still missing bodies.

I also have two professional independent journalists covering and continuing for me the current events and investigations in Peru.

Quick roundup on my activities... I arrived June 11th, and hoped to participate in the big Demonstrations in Lima that afternoon, but when I got there( late) Police with masks and shields had already 'cleaned up' the peaceful demonstrators.... as usually with teargass. There were several smaller groups of demonstrators who were still going on, so I joined them and when several cameras and media people started to focus on my presents,  the police suddenly marched away...

I spend the next 2 days in lima and was invited to visit Alberto Pizango at the Nicaraguan Embassy, were he was waiting for asylum , having to flee an arrest order by Garcia, who used him as scape Goat for the massacres. When I got there , there was so much press there that we decided we just could not go in... also there was alot of peruvian special forces outside standing around, waiting for ???? I was a bit sad not to see Alberto, since he was the one who named me "The Voice of AIDESEP"  in 2006 , when I was visiting the Achuar in the Rio Corrientes regions in support and effort to  bring media attention and awareness to the horrible contaminations caused by los angeles based oil company occidental petroleum . It was when I got to know everyone at AIDESEP, and now, I was glad to see at least everyone else.... so I spend many hours just at the AIDESEP offices , talking and learning about all these complex issues and planning our trip to Chiclayo , "Curva de diable" (the place where the Bagua massacres had happened) and Bagua.

On my trip to Bagua I was accompanied by a delegation from AIDESEP and Jose, my independant media buddy who agreed to stay in Bagua and visit all the affected communities conducting interviews with one of our cameras for the next 20 days.

Arriving in Curva de Diiable, we filmed several interviews with the local people who live in the area and we walked across the hillside where we saw big burned away circles, with burned shoes and clothes. Rumor has it that the police might have thrown fire bombs out of helicopters onto fleeing demonstrators as the tried to escape into the hills. Othes say that they saw police burning bodies  and baging bodies up into black plastic bags and throwing them into the Marinion River....The fact is that there are many many people who have not seen their loved ones since the massacres on June 6th... and until today have no information  if their loved ones are alive  or dead or where all the missing bodies of their brothers and sisters are....

Arriving in Bagua, It was very clear that all people , non indigenous Villagers, were terrified of the police forces, not the indigenous peoples. The villagers of Bagua have been supporting the indigenous protesters and their families with food and water for 2 months. I talked with many people and was given CDs and Tapes of footage they had filmed during the course of the protests... Then we went to visit the Bagua Hospital, to interview the 3 indigenous man who were still in care there. One had both his legs destroyed by bullet wounds, the other,had a head injury and a bullet into his side... and then there was this sweet 23 year old guy , who reminded me of my little brother... He he told us how he was shot at , cuz he tried to talk to one of the young police approaching him...after the bullet hit his arm, he fell but tried to stand up and plead with the officer to not shoot ,citing that they all are Peruvians and brothers! The Police gave him one more bullet , which entered his Lungs... and here this young guy was hanging on to fis Life, no medicines available in the hospital, coughting up blood as he told me his story. I asked him if he hated the police and he told me that he does NOY. he told me that he had spend time as a soldier in  the peruvian military, and that he knows that these young police officers who massacred his people were just following orders from Garcia. He was sweet, humble, honest and compassionate... but firm in his resolve to stand firm to protect his beloved Amazon... I also heared some amazing testimonies from 2 young girls who studied traditional medicine in bagua...they both had lost family . But their spirits were strong and determined to stand up against their governments plans to sell out their homelands to international and private interrests.

Iquitos. The youth of OEPIAP (indigenous student organization) is always an inspiration. They organized a huge concert to educate people and so when I arrived I immediately joined them on stage , together with the many other amazing young leaders...We spend until late at night talking about all the issues and I cant wait to return and support all of their amazing efforts.

One day before I left Peru, the government dropped two of the controversial Laws and admitted to having handled things poorly…Garcia even agreed to finally meet indigenous leaders at the negotiation table…!

However, I personally see this as a tactic by the government to calm things down… and escape the pressure of the international community….

Especially since the government is still actively pursuing all arrest warrants of all indigenous Leaders....

When I returned from Peru after a week of press conferences and a visit to Bagua and Iquitos, I was emotionally exhausted .
I must say that this effort has cost me a lot, in terms of my job and personal life as I had to sacrifice my own time and resources, but it has also thought me great lessons, and I'm now convinced that everyone can help the Indigenous struggle in Peru.
I have dedicated days and hours of work, researching and trying my best to expose news and data, all of which proves that the Indigenous peoples of Peru were massacred by police forces sent by president Garcia.
Thanks to some courageous videographers , photographers and the work of solidarity throughout independent media -using websites like Blogger, Facebook, Twitter , Youtube, MySpace and others- People in  Peru and around the world were able to learn more about what really was happening in Bagua, in times when most international media remained silent with few exceptions.

Thanks to this collective work, we created awareness in the world and I Humbly feel that I -along with hundreds of thousands of volunteers around the world- was part of what the Garcia’s government has called “an international conspiracy” against his abusive rule !!!
Together we pressured the Garcia administration to stop violence and avoid more police and military actions. Together we pressured the Garcia administration to repeal two of the controversial presidential decrees that motivated the social uprising. And Together I hope to ensure that Indigenous Peoples voices are being heard ,while standing in solidarity with them , protecting our mother earth for all of us and all unborn generations.



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"A Freezing cold reality"

Cold of indifference is true reason why perus children are freezing to death!

Every year hundreds of children are freezing to death in the andean mountains... It happens every year... and with the recent crazy weather and climate change, extreme coldspells have set in way earlier than usual!

in 2009 more than 433 kids Frozen to Death!

Its an embarrassment  how Perus children are freezing to death, when there are things  you and I can do!  Please  get involved and contact me directly at to coordinate your involvement or support!  I hope that for once bureaucracy can stay out of the equation …. Things need to be taken care of NOW , before the cold season starts again !

its not the cold... but the cold of indifference which is the true killer .... it is so totaly preventable.... so lets get prepared... because  it will be  winter  again soon ... PERU WINTER = JUNE !

This is NOT a yearly emergency ! ITS PREVENTABLE !!!

together we can contribute to a global warming of hearts!

Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous

Has my life been reduced to a comic book character in Batman? wow.

The Return of Durant

Story Synopsys:
- In this second of the Darkman series we find Dr. Peyton Westlake fighting crime to confiscate the criminal's money so he can continue his research for synthetic skin that will last longer than 99 minutes without disintegrating. Another scientist, Dr. David Brinkman, has also been working on a synthetic skin and the two may be able to break the 99 minute barrier together. All seems well until Robert Durant comes out of his coma and seeks to rebuild his criminal empire. One of the resources he needs is the building that Dr. Brinkman owns and contains his laboratory. Of course Durant tries to strong arm Brinkman to sell and the doctor's resulting death forces Darkman to go after Durant again, not only because Durant ruined his life but also because Brinkman took the secret of permanent synthetic skin to the grave.
- Renelays Dr. Brinkman's sister, Laurie. She gets involved because the building now is hers after her brother's death and she goes into negotiations with Durant's so called land development company to sell. She doesn't know that Durant killed David, she just thinks the $1million is fair compensation for her brother's life and good enough for her to get back to school and restart her own life. Of course Darkman tries to reason with her and convince her that Durant is the bad guy and selling to him would be a big mistake and that she'd be taking blood money. Finally, but too late, she realizes he's right but she's captured by Durant's gang and used as bait for Darkman, who Durant wants dead.

My thoughts on Rene performance
- Okay, first I think Reneid an excellent job here. Second, I'm still wondering about her character. Laurie works in a strip club but I'm assuming as a manager since she's only seen in conservative business wear, though her position is never revealed. It doesn't matter to the story, I'm just curious because it's Rene character. Third, in the beginning they have Renen far too much makeup. Those heavy fake eyelashes just have to go. Is the heavy makeup a hint to her job?
- Reneot third billing in this movie. I'm still unsure why Kim Delaney is more prominent in the credits and even has her picture on the tape box (back). Her role is a smaller and Renead more screen time. I can only assume name recognition was the driving force in that decision.

Just click on the thumbnail to see the larger picture

dm2a.jpg Laurie surveys her brother's lab after his death
dm2b.jpg Her emotions get the better of her
dm2c.jpg Showing that classic ROC smile in a broken picture
dm2d.jpg At David's funeral
dm2e.jpg Again at her brother's funeral
dm2f.jpg Laurie talks with one of Durant's men as Dr. Westlake
looks on in the background
dm2g.jpg She doesn't yet know he's a bad guy
dm2h.jpg She's been mourning her brother
dm2i.jpg Dr. Westlake confronts Laurie at work
dm2j.jpg He's trying to convince her that David was killed by Durant
dm2k.jpg Of course she doesn't believe him
dm2l.jpg She's just gonna have to learn the hard way
dm2m.jpg Laurie meets Durant at the meeting to sell the building
dm2n.jpg She seems confident she's doing the right thing
dm2o.jpg Durant feeds her some more bull
dm2p.jpg She wonders why there are so many thugs in the room
dm2q.jpg Laurie begins to worry about her business partners
dm2r.jpg She realizes that Durant is the infamous finger chopper
dm2s.jpg She confronts him about his motives in wanting the building
dm2t.jpg About to sign the deal, she thinks twice about it
dm2u.jpg Finally Laurie backs out of the deal
dm2v.jpg She runs because she knows these guys are killers
dm2w.jpg But can she get away before they catch up to her?
dm2x.jpg Taxi! She needs a taxi, and fast!
dm2y.jpg One of the bad guys catches up, but it's Darkman in disguise
dm2z.jpg Darkman has no time to explain the truth about himself
dm2za.jpg He stuffs Laurie in a cab to try to save her
dm2zb.jpg It doesn't work and Durant captures her
dm2zc.jpg Laurie is shackled in a chair at Durant's hideout
dm2zd.jpg She struggles with one of her captors
dm2ze.jpg (my favorite picture out of all these, that's why it here)
dm2zf.jpg Told she's going to be used for target practice
dm2zg.jpg Laurie, with Dr. Westlake, tries to resist the bad guy
dm2zh.jpg They face the weapon to be used against them
dm2zi.jpg Laurie and Dr. Westlake take cover after an escape attempt
dm2zj.jpg There's lots of shooting going on out there
dm2zk.jpg Laurie hesitantly draws a weapon
dm2zl.jpg You gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk?
dm2zm.jpg Ready to blast Durant into the hereafter
dm2zn.jpg Laurie is knocked back by the force of an explosion
dm2zo.jpg Caught again by Durant as he yells out at Darkman
dm2zp.jpg Durant is listening for clues to where Darkman is hiding
dm2zq.jpg Laurie makes her escape! Hooray!
dm2zr.jpg She sees Dr. Westlake as he really is, Darkman
dm2zs.jpg Darkman explains his connection with Durant to Laurie
dm2zt.jpg Laurie thanks Darkman and says her goodbye as he leaves

The Nightmare... is in the post. The irony is the comments.

Has my life been reduced to a comic book character in Batman?

Perhaps I should have posted the comments with the original post. "She's just going to have to learn the hard way."

Please keep in mind, I did not write write any of this. And to the best of my knowledge, my brother, David is still alive. According to my father, he is "a bomb throwing communist in Canada." #ShitMyDadSays


Posted via email from ElyssaD's Posterous