Stats & Rankings for Elyssa Durant
Twitter Page | WebsiteBio: After a year-- sharing ugly secrets and the most despicable of crimes; This is me. My name is Elyssa. I provided the dots. Very few managed to connect them.
- Joined Twitter on 2009-02-06 03:24:49
- Ranked 19,425th on! (by followers)
- Ranked 1st in their location on twitaholic! (by followers in 'CyberSquatting somewhere...')
- Tagged with RAOK, Twensored, WomentoFollow
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Date Followers Following Updates August 02, 2010 5,185 4,037 86,021 July 31, 2010 5,118 4,018 85,408 July 15, 2010 4,852 3,928 79,699 July 08, 2010 4,878 3,922 79,284 June 28, 2010 4,787 3,891 77,509 June 25, 2010 4,756 3,869 76,488 April 15, 2010 4,105 3,608 61,121 March 17, 2010 4,004 3,561 56,502 March 10, 2010 3,919 3,483 54,609 March 03, 2010 3,877 3,446 53,478 February 28, 2010 3,858 3,441 53,156 February 25, 2010 3,822 3,414 52,548 February 22, 2010 3,846 3,417 52,298 February 09, 2010 3,664 3,257 146,906 December 16, 2009 2,905 2,771 38,000 November 17, 2009 2,439 2,281 33,633 November 10, 2009 2,323 2,171 32,654 November 03, 2009 2,223 2,113 31,093 October 31, 2009 2,223 2,112 31,032 October 28, 2009 2,157 2,095 30,239 October 25, 2009 2,014 2,063 29,717 October 12, 2009 1,681 1,404 28,220 September 23, 2009 1,621 1,313 26,526 August 18, 2009 1,479 1,167 19,964 July 13, 2009 1,341 898 16,002 July 06, 2009 1,323 867 15,143 July 03, 2009 1,275 835 14,403 June 30, 2009 1,256 809 13,452 June 27, 2009 1,198 675 12,067 May 26, 2009
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