Monday, January 24, 2011

Her Story. CONTENT WARNING! #Xe #COINTELPRO #FALSEFlag daily dose #tmi 1-24-2011

Marianna Papadakis (@catscram)
2011-01-23 23:46
@elyssad mate that's horrible. what's going on? i cant really tell what's real and what's not.
Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD)
2011-01-23 23:39
@catscram that's the point-- she deleted the post-- i and has been hacking MY account for 2 months and 17 hours
Marianna Papadakis (@catscram)
2011-01-23 23:37
link doesnt work. @ElyssaD via @rockingjude #404 busted

I was never missing I simply wasn't being heard. As you may may not know, my account was suspended now my skype (phone) is tunneling pseudo interface so don't pretend to understand something you know nothing about. 

I would appreciate it if you would NOT "speculate" as to my where abouts or my "behavior" as was quoted on October 6th and THAT is what people WANT to believe. 

Everyone bitches about privacy? Well maybe I don't like strangers knocking on my door? Maybe I trust myself more than I trust the local "safety net" 

I won't play this political game with @ usaairman @musiccitygal or any of the other "heroes" who just want to pretend they care! 

Where are they now? Where were they on November 8th -10th when there was a swat team and police barricade for 36 hours due to a hostage situation nextdoor ? @badjerry wAs there. I bet he remembers! 

Did anyone worry then? 

Fuck you and self rightous drama, trauma and crocodile tears. My work here is done. 

You people are beyond hope so I will serve my time here in the hood and make sure that I leave a detailed map for all the dumb fucks who don't get the joke. ReAlity BYTES and this is my turn. 

You want to know what happened? 

Jenci sent an emAil to my landlord who then sent over the very same social worker who was intoxicated when I went to see her. She proceded to violate state and federal HIPPA laws as well as professional ethics and brought in four men in uniform to check on my "safety"

She has since been fired, so now who do you think you are "emailing" all these false flags to? 

I get a letter threatening eviction and wind up with no one to feed MY cat because the stupid bitch was too superstitious to feed spotty. So the one request I made was denied. I will spell out the rest later because my fingers hurt from typing and my body hurts from years of neglect and a spinal lesion that you all seem to forget about. So what if I am crazy? Idgaf what you think because your judgmental #ealerts are nothing more than your opinion. 

And to quote my dad, opinions are like assholes. Everyone is entitled to #one. 

You got the dates wrong btw- Long before you noticed i was e-rased by the powers that beat  

But instead, you called "mobile crisis" who sends in firetrucks and corrupt pigs to take me to the LAST place I want to go? In handcuffs for what? For Not answering YOUR phone call? 

I don't have text messaging assholes! I only have the free phone that the government sent me to for free. Don't think I didn't TRY to get online. 403. 

ACCESS DENIED. Now go save some one more worthy of "bandwidth" on the twitter, I've had enough "rescuing" from your little "crew" to last a lifetime. 

I know what crazy is. I know what I NEED. Don't insult my intelligence or my dignity with YOUR bullshit EVER again. 

I'm done here. It my turn to MOVE! I have more important things to do. Things that need to be done properly. And if you want something done right? Do it yourself. I trust eye. Nuff said. 


Reference NY Times articles on Bobby Fisher, Electronics and mental health EG Bluetooth or RFID or newly connected Teredo Tunneling Pseudo Interface that tweeks me brain and makes my skin crawl. Aka #Orwell #1984 barnacle. GTFO of MY backyard! 

Also see NYT article on change of jurisdiction because that should be interesting Pennsylvania Act 62. Blue v Blue Curtis v Klein 

Conspiracy to defraud? Yeah. I got the message. #memo 

Play card. I have second bullet. #illuminati #NWO #isRAIL true blue (chips) true Jew. I have the golden ticket. 

And this is no place for children and I don't have time for amateurs. 

I do NOT surrender. Not even close.  

Ref: @time 1978 MOVE 

Elyssa Durant, Ed.M. 
CyberSquatter at Large
The Corporation, LLC
United States of America

Posted via email from Whistleblower

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