AFTER REVIEWING ~ALL~ "CREDENTIALS" @rockingjude YOU owe ME! via @ElyssaD
Yeah-- I could easily file a poloce report-- in fact-- i already did-- but what you fail to realize is that all you had to do was show me a little courtesy, compassion, honesty, and treat me with the respect and dignity i deserve.
I would have been happy to reimburse you for the 14.95 AT&T contract had I known then what i knew the second i got of the plane.
I may have been happy with an apology-- but after reviewing the detailed records from the last 60 days-- i realize that you are nothing more than a petty thief who wants to be a hero and a victim at the same time.
You have witnesses to the $15 expedited fee you paid after you made a scene at the passport office? Well-- with all due respect-- I expect you are about to have a lot more witnesses to your "generosity" than you ever imagined.
Thank you, "Mama Jude" you showed me that I have everything I need right here-- I have integrity and my legacy will be the gift I leave behind for others who have been victimized by predators like you and your team of "hunters"
I knew I had it in me-- I just never knew such a twisted event would bring out the best in me.
I hope it gives you a little peace to know that through your reign of terror, you managed to create a stronger future for all the "creatures" who are hunted by you and your "friends" creatures who deserve more than the material things you use to corrupt the youth of America.
People just like "#E"
Enjoy the ride-- it is as close to greatness as you will ever come. #E does not
play victim.
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