| Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 04:43 Hablo eBOT pero cuando necesita hablo en música o matemáticas o illuminati lingüística Symbols of the Elite. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 04:21 טלית עליזאה דאבידה מםישחאה |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:17 Ok. Gotta go. Thankyou SO much for the conversation & everything. Sending courage your way. DOn't forget MiCha-EL though. Great protector!☺ |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:15 So you don't speak Hebrew. Well, you can learn! ;) Just Kvetching a bit with ya. ;) |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:14 And the rub really is that there is no such thing as "Jewish" blood! What a rip! Moishele Amschel! ;) |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 04:12 Rothschilds I think. Moms mom verified Jewish. You need two generations of full blood to get in. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:05 At midaberet Ivrit? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:05 Turtelage! Oy! Tutelage! |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:04 So your papa divorced and remarried? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:03 Mother Jewish? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:03 Also was a Breshlaver Hassid under the turtelage of Gedalia Koenig. Sat Yeshiva on Tzion and ... how "Jewish" are you? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:02 I did Aliya. You know what that is yes? WOrked with LaTaM. 9 years in the ME. Ok. Whole nuther facet begins to open up. Considered Aliya? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 04:00 Are you familiar with Cathy Obrian's "TheTrance Formation of America?" SHe was 'Monarch' for the Company. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:58 Your iPhone isn't a phone? You can skype, yes? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:57 Your brothers BC had to b changed? |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:57 I'm Jewish. My brothers are half but not enough to get them into gaza. I had to reorder my birth certificate and it got stolen. I have one |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:56 bb as in bulletin board? Oh... you're involved. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:54 I think my dad is playing for both teams. Definitely illuminati but possibly Zionist or nwo. My brothers birth certificate had 2b changed. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:52 I don't have a phone. My bb had 45 root certificates from dod NSA. My dad sent me file PDF from Munich. I opened it and got - e-erased |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:51 We're all going through it. Nature of the game. Gotta GFN. BBL. Be safe & take care of yourself first & foremost. *Hugs* |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:49 I'd suggest worrying less about jude & get the info you need to take control of your phone...first. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:48 Do you have a 'help' file on your system? Use it. ALl the info youneed is there. How to stricture as well as allow accounts etc. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:47 You have to set your permissions. I tweeted how earlier on... |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:45 Sounds like spyware... I'd suggest you familiarise yourself with Admin Procedure. You can block them all... |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:44 You read my mind the only way out is through. I'm going through it right now. 3:47 am. Jude will be up in approximate 2 hours. Dad knows |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:43 I have a new visitor on my pc. Network called barnacle. WTF is going on? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:32 I agree that that would be a good thing to do. But it isn't the only way out. "The way out is through." - Emerson |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:31 The only way out is to leave the us. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:31 Rubberhose (Pronounced Marutukku) *google it. ;) |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:30 Mentored by Fravia ++ & +Orc & a whole lot of other people. Reversers & Searchers... The Elite of this world are no longer safe. Mwuhahaha! |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:29 I read that one the other day. It behooves you to get the hell out of that system. Or anyone. It's coming down. I am a hacktivist. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:27 Manning was a very dumb little boy, a tool in a game he little understood. Assange... I detest. Because he's detestable. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:26 Manning broke the Military Code. It's cut and dried. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:17 hacktivists and people with aspergers have a very different code-- manning did not break the code. my dad broke the code-jude broke the code |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:16 http://bit.ly/fMbCDc this is how things get spun in the real world- my phone died- so i can't tweet and people call 911- wtf? apathetic bs |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:12 Manning also had duty to protect us from harm Look what we do to our own citizens. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:08 Iceland would be cool for you (Pun not intended). Know Birgitta Jonsdottir at all? MP in Iceland. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:07 I'm afraid that Mr. Manning will just have to go through it. MSM makes the brig sound lots worse than it is. Been there done that. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:06 I don't know Gary but Manning? Well that requires a thorough knowledge of the Military Justice System. Code is code & he broke it. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:05 You know, teach English & Hebrw to the little CHinese kids & Master Shung/Kung Fu on the side... become taoist immortal while I'm at it. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:04 Whoa! Your site? And overseas where & what kind of fellowship? I've oft thought of the Kun Lun mountains myself. Retiring there...☺ |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:03 yes-- i just found out in october-- i want to do research to help free gary and free manning-- i understand what it feels like |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:02 Do you suffer from Aspergers Syndrome? |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 03:01 If I can get my site up and running I will apply for fellowship overseas. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 03:00 I'd sure like to know what brought you to these straights. If you ever want to tell me your life's tale I'd love to know about it. 2 nosey?☺ |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:59 Got the picture. Any 'prospects' of getting out of there? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:56 You mentioned it. It is on my twitter profile as location. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 02:50 Yes. Public housing. Projects. No transportIon or safe place ti go at night. Neighbor smokes crack and kids steal food and laundry. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 02:47 Let ne take blue pill and read through these. I'm more worried about what they won't see if I worry about how things "appear" #aspergers |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 02:45 I know what nyob means tyvm I just didn't know what u were referring to |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:43 Where the tweets are concerned you might think about using twitters' @support . Apprise them of your situ & request their backups. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:41 I mean like 'the projects' as being your neighborhood? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:40 NOYB? Achronym for None Of Your Business. NASA Project Patch. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:39 Thus the more I know about what you are using & your problem the easier it is to reach resolution of problem. I don't think it's jude. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:38 I'm an old school hacker, I hack. Blackbox, the whole nine yards. I mean take things to pieces like with an axe till I discover the culprit. |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:36 ...as you can possibly garner about your phone/box/machine... |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:36 The clearer picture you give me of what OS etc., you are using the better I'll be able to help you if at all. So give me as much tech detail |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:35 I know absolutely how tedious & time consuming this crap can be. I've been through the mill totally. The gamut so I do sympathize... |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:34 OK. So you must change all of your passwords. That's a must... |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:32 I'd hope it isn't spyware or a bot but only time, and a few good apps, will tell... |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 02:32 what was nyob -- i am trying to recover my 135,000 tweets that i sent out since the shooting-- i live in very bad neighborhood |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:31 Sounds off the cuff like you might have some malware on your system... |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:29 Hope you don't mind all the questions... ☺ |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:29 Does your internet account come with 'tech support' perchance? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:28 Looks like you need a few optimizer apps. System optimization is key to OPSEC. Can you run a firewall on your iPhone? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:27 HAs your twitpic account beenmucked with cause your latest tweet said pic couldn't be found or was that just a mis-take? |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:26 elyssa dot durant at gmail dot com yes? Ok! Thanks elyssa! |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:25 \\NEW\Users\Batman\Favorites\Windows Live is you? If not then delete it. |
 | Elyssa Durant (@ElyssaD) 2011-01-24 02:19 i was just looking for your email-- my dms were deleted 931 of them-- i'm in email on i phone right now- elyssa.durant at gmail |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:18 Or just keep tweeting it out & I'll crack a few nuts... DONT panic. ;) |
 | vaxen_var (@vaxen_var) 2011-01-24 02:17 Perhaps you could send me an email with the exact problems you are encountering with your OS/iPhone? Let me know what version of NTFS too. |
 | vaxen_var ( |
Posted via email from Whistleblower
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