60 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media & Twitter
by Contributors, b2cmarketinginsider.comJanuary 21st 2011
Late night tweet sessions. Foursquare swarm parties. Panera Bread meetings at 9 pm and Facebook moments that make you laugh so hard you cry. Your baker knows it, the mailman knows it. You like tweets and they like you. The baker thinks you’re talking about cupcakes and has no idea what Twitter is.
The key is to find the balance between social media addiction and insanity. It’s okay to tweet all night as long as you have some good tweeters beside you, right?
Check out these 60 signs to determine if you may be in fact a social media addict.
Please note, by no means am I saying that being a crazed lunatic tweeter makes you a social media expert or guru. Nor am I endorsing such behavior. I am however, stating it happens to the best of us even if you don’t have the guts to admit it. Not all things on the following list can I say I have experienced, done or participated in. I will tell you that I have in at least half of them. Enjoy and please leave a comment with your own!!
60 Signs You’re Addicted to Social Media and Twitter:
- You more often than not talk in 140 character increments.
- You forgot how to spell simple 3 letter words like “you” which you now reference as “U”.
- You go to the mall for an hour and come home with 10 new blog ideas.
- The grocery store clerk, mailman, dry cleaner, and Panera Bread head cook all know your twitter handle.
- You have a favorite seat at Starbucks and Panera bread.
- You have stayed past closing at least two times at either Panera Bread or Starbucks.
- You can’t remember the last time you went to the restroom without your Android or iPhone.
- You regularly sit down in front of your desk first thing in the morning while still wearing your jammies, to “send a few tweets” and then hit the gym. Unfortunately you’re usually still there at lunch time.
- You are the mayor of Panera Bread, Starbucks, the grocery story, drycleaner and your favorite burger joint.
- You refuse to do drive by FourSquare as you want to earn your badges the old school way!
- Your kids know the difference between a twit and a tweet.
- Your kids could easily describe a retweet, mention, hootsuite, and ping.fm to their friends who have parents who don’t tweet.
- Your spouse has threatened to divorce you if you don’t leave your cell phone at home at least one date night a month.
- You have real friends in Australia, the UK, Brazil and at least three other countries. You met them all on Twitter.
- You know many of your Twitter pals better than you do some neighbors.
- You no longer keep track of how many followers you have. It’s the relationships and conversations that truly inspire you.
- You love tweetups and don’t understand why the retirement home doesn’t want to host one for your grandma.
- Your kids come home from school and ask you how many hits their YouTube video received.
- You take a photo of your kids and the first thing they say is “no, you are not putting this one on Facebook or Twitter, seriously!”
- Your youngest kid has found a new marketing medium with his/her world of wonder color paintings…. twitter and Twitpic!
- You have worked an entire day or at least half of a day in your pajamas when you didn’t plan to do such.
- You get excited when a client asks for a social media policy.
- You want to do a back flip when you interview a potential new client and they already know what bounce rate is.
- You have completely stopped trying to talk even your favorite businesses to get on the social train. You figure it’s their loss, you have more business wanting to hire you than you have time to talk to.
- You have mastered tweeting, texting, reading a Inc. magazine and watching CNN all at the same time while on the elliptical.
- TV, who has time for TV? You have #FFs to catch up on!
- There are some people who tweet you in the morning that can simply make your day!
- You have officially stopped doing free lunches. Who has time for lunch anyway!
- You no longer attend networking meetings as you honestly don’t need any more clients at the present time.
- When you meet with a client now it’s more like an interview as to if you want to take them on or not.
- Life is to short to take on clients who simply don’t want to listen to what you know they need to do. If they don’t want to blog or update their website to the current century they can happily move on to your supposed “competitors.”
- Your 2011 calendar already looks like a twitter parade.
- You know what the tweet parade application is.
- You know your Klout score even if you say you don’t care about the numbers.
- You don’t send auto DMs.
- You took a picture of the Verizon Fios dudes and posted it to Twitpic when they fixed or installed Fios.
- You fall asleep on the laptop watching Jimmy Fallon at least once a week.
- You would honestly miss your twitter friends if twitter were to go down tomorrow.
- You wish people would quit sending you so many emails and just send you a 140 character tweet.
- You get excited at the thought of a blank wordpress blog post page ready for you to turn it into a masterpiece at midnight.
- When anyone in your neighborhood needs anything to do with the internet they call you.
- You still get emails from past colleagues wondering if you could “help them learn” social media. Although that would be much more fun than a “free lunch” with another broke wanna be client you unfortunately don’t have time.
- You wish you could spend the majority of your time tweeting for social good. Someday you will.
- You won’t let your kids come close to Facebook or Twitter as you know how addictive it can be.
- You now are addicted to twitter chats. You can type like a crazy bird with a bunch of other crazy birds.
- You get more leads via your online sales funnel than anything you do offline.
- Your business truly works on the weekend even when you don’t thanks to Infusionsoft and your favorite news syndication site (mine being Social Media Today)!
- You can tell the mood of the twitter verse from just a few seconds of tweeting.
- You can retweet that tweet in less than 2 seconds with your eyes closed.
- You want to hit yourself on the head every time someone tells you “my clients aren’t on social media.”
- You still love teaching newbies how to tweet. Nothing better than hearing those happy words with a big smile “I sent my first tweet!”
- You have actually had a client say after the first twitter training session, “now how do I do something to someone, I forgot?”
- You dressed as a twitter bird, YouTube channel, Facebook page or iPhone for Halloween.
- Your kids know what Friday Follow is.
- You have given up trying to get your family to understand what it is you do.
- You’d rather tweet than be nosey and look at the neighbors photos on Facebook like all the rest of your neighbors do.
- You ordered a custom license plate with your name and 140 on it.
- Movies, who has time to see a movie. You’re either with the family, at Church, at the beach or tweeting.
- You have written a late night social media addiction blog post at midnight and fell asleep in the middle of it (like I did on this one.)
- You made it to the bottom of this list.
Newbies to social media, do not try these things at home. Caution should be taken as you enter the world of social media. Make sure you surround yourself with fun, authentic people so that when you are up late night writing blog posts, tweeting and Facebooking you will be surrounded with others just like you. It will give you a false sense of security and sanity which is better than none at all.
Add You Own:
Please add your own social media addict traits. What are the crazy things you do as you live your life as a corporate, small biz or entrepreneur lover of social media?
Popularity: 4% [?]
Author: Pam Moore
*This post originally appeared on Tampa Social Media Consultant Speaker & Trainer and has been reposted with permission.
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