Fravia's mirror of reverse code engineering-Reverse engineering, Software protections, Reverse engineering Manuals, Software locking and unlocking, Software Reverse Engineering, Software Protection improvement, Debugging, Disassembling, protection schemes, SOFTWARE REVERSE ENGINEERING, Tutorials, Web pages nuking, Steganography, Cryptography, Barcodes, Anonymity, search engines, how to search, counter measures, agent trapping, web stalking, web combing, SOFTWARE PROTECTIONS, web klebing, protection removal
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Revirgin related essays | Unpacking: a generic approach, including IT rebuilding. by Predator ~revirgin essay Iris v2.00 build 44~another great revirgin essay by BlackB. Copylok by Kilby ~ first essay using revirgin (updated now march 2001) |
Fravia's archive | | Version November 1999 | Software reverse engineering and web survival argumentsSoftware protection techniques and tools ~ Anonymity on the Web: stalking, enemy tracking and other techniques ~ Reality cracking and anti-advertisement techniques and tools ~ How to search the web: combing, klebing and other strategies ~ cookies removal; bots and web-spiders trapping; anti-Micro$oft and anti-Netscape scripts and tricks; tools for software reverse engineering; cgi-cracking; user self-defense; corporate survival counter measures; home-pages capering and password cracking techniques; commercial smut sites busting; Java applets reversing; vxd monitoring; steganographical and cryptological reversing matters; Javascript based site protection and deprotection techniques; email patterns reversing On the Web since 1995! | |
If you have landed here for the first time, or if you are interested in the history of this site,
read a word to the confused ones before proceeding
My reader, this labyrinth of pages (you'll never be able to count them all :-) contains many teachings, and will help you gain knowledge that you will not find elsewhere. Please wander slowly inside: sip a good cocktail, take your time and explore at a leisurely pace. You'll find lessons on how to reverse engineer windows, dos, linux and palmtop programs, both in order to protect or to deprotect them (fairly easy, once you learn it); on how to search the Web using advanced techniques like 'combing' and 'klebing' (not so easy); on how to gain real information (pretty difficult), on how to track pseudoanonymous people on the web (fairly difficult), on how to protect your anonymity browsing the Web (quite difficult), on how to reverse the reality around you (very difficult), on how to destroy web sites you do not like (easy... given some conditions), on how to use (and detect) steganographical encryptions, on how to reverse or implement javascript based site protections, on how to annoy spammers, reverse web-agents, trap bots, write your own spiders and much more. I hope you'll enjoy this visit. Your critics and suggestions are welcome.
I do disclaim thee, Oh Liability!
Read my short essay: Is reverse engineering legal?
Special disclaimer
About the part of my site dealing with reversing protection schemes
Please note that I have always been a very sensible person: if any programmer with a legitimate interest really thinks that an essay published on my site should be removed and put on a non-public part of the fortress, I usually will comply. with a legitimate interest with a legitimate interest
Yet this will hurt the protectors, not the warez-crackers out there: "secrecy" in an Internet polluted with warez and serial numbers (that I despise) does NOT make any sense: I believe -on the contrary- maximum transparency to be a very important WEAPON for all software developers and for all protectors and Fravias alike. My site is a forum where anyone can learn HOW software "ticks", WHY commercial protections do not work and why there are much better things to do with our knowledge than releasing tons of crackz and warez to the lamers of the world. In fact I believe that you will learn here -if anything- how to protect better your programs.
Which browser are you using, my good reader? I advice those of you still using Netscape (or, even worse, M$IE) to download and use from now on Opera, an extremely highly configurable, powerful, easy to reverse and lean (less than a million bytes!) browser that will let you forget once for all both overbloated browsersaurii and their terrible bugs. Of course you are allowed to use Netscape on my site (if you do, take care: the best version is -by far- good old and solide version 3, not the overbloated and buggy versions 4, 4,5 & 5).
Now, please, try to understand: you may NOT use Micro$oft's puke on my site! (Watch it! Some pages just " play" hostility, some are seriously M$IE hostile, so: don't complain you have not been warned! :-)
"if your browser is poor click on the red..." "if your browser is poor click on the red..." "if your browser is poor click on the red..."
Fravia's blackboard! | Read the news! | Alphabe! | |
__Fravia's counters and anti-spam links__
I don't use public counters nor public trackers any more, since I can easily track all my visitors wherever they go (see here a detailed explanation). I'll just keep my own counter above (started in July 1999 and not working on the mirrors) and the Websitestory counter below, both count only the daily visitors with "load images" settings who wait patiently at the main entrance of the fortress until the Websitestory server has planted its cookie (i.e. mostly new visitors). Since I'll never commercialize my site, this is cool, if a little snob: lotta real visitors (more than 80000 "hits" daily actually, according to my fortress server's loggings), yet low profile! new
__On the way out__
Goodbye, please damage Microsoft
homepage links anonymity +ORC students' essays academy database bots wars
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Is reverse engineering illegal?
This site guaranteed 100% frames and advertisement free, made with full-recyclable electrons, respects all directives of the European Union regarding environment, please don't litter. and advertisement and advertisement
Anyone wishing to use the contents of my site for profit purposes should contact the Editor.
(c) Fravia™, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. All rights reserved, in the European Union and elsewhere | |||
Original Page:
Shared from Read It Later
Elyssa Durant, Ed.M.
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