Belgian Synesthesia Association
Art & Synesthesia Research:
extending the synesthetic code
- Intro: Welcome to the 'Art and Synesthesia' site of Dr. Hugo Heyrman, Ph.D. in Art Sciences. Are synesthetes people of the future? —to answer this question, and as a consequence of my scientific and artistic passion for Art and Synesthesia, I created this portal on Synesthesia, online since 1995 —to present relevant sources on the art & mind connection, theory, experiments and research on the future of the senses. Homepage of the 'Belgian Synesthesia Association' (BSA).
- Mission: To explore the multisensory interactions of synesthesia. To connect synesthetes and their synesthetic experience with interested non-synesthetes worldwide. To develop a synesthesia culture by connecting art and synesthesia. To promote study, research and understanding of synesthesia in educational, social, cultural and artistic contexts.
Synaesthesia associations
Belgian Synesthesia Association (BSA) founder, Dr. Hugo Heyrman. UK Synaesthesia Association founder, Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen, University of Cambridge. Synesthesia Association of Australia and New Zealand (SAANZ).
German Synaesthesia Association/Deutsche Synästhesie-Gesellschaft e.V. (in German).
Synaesthesia researchers- Synesthesia FAQ Veronica Gross, project at Boston University's Vision and Cognition Laboratory.
Prometheus Institute Bulat Galeyev. Synaesthesia Sean A. Day, President of (ASA). Richard E. Cytowic, M.D. personal website. Synaesthesia Research Edward M. Hubbard, Department of Psychology University of California, San Diego. Center for Brain and Cognition Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Psychology Department at the University of California, San Diego. Synaesthesia Research Laboratory Dr. Noam Sagiv, Lab Director, Brunel University, Department of Psychology, Uxbridge, West London. One’s Own Brain as Trickster Part II: It’s For Your Own Good, Sean A. Day. The Laboratory of Sensory Information Processing Lawrence Marks, Ph.D. Synaesthesia Research Center Mike Dixon, Phil Merikle, Dan Smilek, Brandon Wagar, Department of Psychology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. Synaesthesia Research Group Dr Jamie Ward, Dept of Psychology, University College London. Dina Riccò, Antonio Belluscio and Silvia Guerini, Design Faculty, Politecnico di Milano. (Italiano) Synaesthesia Research Team Dr Ashok Jansari, Mary Jane Spiller, School of Psychology, University of East London.
Art and synesthesia- Sinestesia y Arte Arte Città, Spain.
Netherlands Color Synesthesia (NeCoSyn) Project Crétien van Campen. Synesthesia and Artistic Experimentation Crétien van Campen. Synaesthetics/Synesthetica Joannes Késenne. Synaesthesia Bulat Galeyev.- Synesthésie a virtual revue on contemporary art, Paris.
- Synesthesia-Artforum Timothy B Layden.
Theory and research on synaesthesia Synaesthesia and Synaesthetic MetaphorsSean A. Day, synesthete and a synesthesia researcher.
Synesthesia: phenomenology and neuropsychology, a review of current knowledge Richard E. Cytowic, M.D. Sensequence Angela Meder and Andreas Mengel. Synaesthesia - a cognitive model of cross modal association Andrew D. Lyons, University of Sydney. Synesthesia Research Group Noam Sagiv, PhD. Department of Psychology, University College London. Estudio y análisis de las interrelaciones sinestésicas en los procesos sensoriales Mª José de Córdoba Serrano, Granada.Sinestesia - Neurociencia Cognitiva Juan Lupiáñez Castillo, Alicia Callejas Sevilla, Grupo de Investigación de la Universidad de Granada. Synästhesie-Forschung an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover Dr. med. Markus Zedler. Synaesthesia the site is in both English and Chinese, Julia Simner, University of Edinburgh, UK. синестезия The Russian Synaesthesia Community’s site, maintained by Anton V. Sidoroff-Dorso, Associate Professor/Reader of Moscow State Pedagogical University.
Reports and articles Everyday fantasia: The world of synesthesia Siri Carpenter, Monitor on Psychology. Tangled Wires: conceptualizing neurological and cultural explanations of synesthesia Moriah McSharry McGrath. Synesthesia, What Happens When Our Senses Get Their Wires Crossed? Evan Moreno-Davis. Campen, Cretien van (2009).The Hidden Sense: On Becoming Aware of Synesthesia. In: TECCOGS 2009, vol. 1, pp. 1-13.
Books and scientific reportsCampen, Cretien van (2009).How does the memory of synesthetes work? In: Mª José de Córdoba; Edward M. Hubbard; Dina Riccò; Sean A Day (Eds.) (2009). Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Sinestesia, Ciencia y Arte. Granada: Ediciones Fundación Internacional Artecittà.
Lenguaje Del Color: Sinestesia cromática en poesía y arte visual by Juan Carlos Sanz, Profesor de Theoría de la imagen, de Diseño y de Comunicación audiovisual. Madrid, España. Synesthesia: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience edited by Lynn Robertson and Noam Sagiv. Farbe - Licht - Musik Synästhesie und Farblichtmusik by Jörg Jewanski / Natalia Sidler (written in German). Tussen zinnen. Synesthesie of hoe de zintuigen samenwerken The new Dutch book on synesthesia by Crétien van Campen. The Hidden Sense. Synesthesia in Art and Science The new English book on synesthesia by Crétien van Campen. Synesthesia: A Union of the Senses Second edition, Richard E. Cytowic, M.D. Symposium on Synesthesia Psyche, an interdisciplinary journal of research on consciousness, 2 (32), Juli 1996, editor, Stephen Jackson. Synesthesia - a real phenomenon? or real phenomena? Luciano da F. Costa. Synesthesia - the mixing of the senses Chris Lofting. Is there a normal phase of synesthesia in development? Simon Baron-Cohen. Science & Consciousness Review Editor, Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy. Vernetzte Sinne - Über Synästhesie und Verhalten a book about living with synesthesia, by Eckhard Freuwört.
Transcripts and streaming audio versions of radio programs and symposia The Emerging Mind: Purple Numbers and Sharp Cheese BBC Radio 4, Reith Lectures 2003, Lecture 4, April 23, 2003, part of lecture series by Vilayanur S. Ramachandran.Halo Radio: Patricia Lynne Duffy Halo Radio hosted by Jesse Dylan, January 12, 2003, interview with Patricia Lynne Duffy.
Science: Hearing Colours, Eating Sounds: Why do some people perceive words and numbers as colours? BBC Radio 4, November 12 & 19, 2002, interviews with Richard Cytowic, Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, Jeffrey Gray, Joseph Long, Jane Mackay and Patricia Duffy. Catalyst: Synaesthesia Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ABC TV, April 11, 2002, interviews with Anina Rich and Dr Jason Mattingly. The Health Report: Synaesthesia Australian Broadcasting Corporation, December 18, 2000, interview with Dr. Peter Grossenbacher. Talk of the Nation: Synaesthesia/Sense of Touch National Public Radio, July 28, 2000, interviews with Dan Smilek, Mandayam A. Srinivasan, Ph.D. and Kenneth L. Casey, M.D. Ockham's Razor with Robyn Williams: Synaesthesia, an unusual union of the senses Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio National, November 28, 1999, interview with Prof. John Bradshaw.Pat Duffy radio interview: Synesthesia WNYE-FM 91.5 FM, New York, NY, November 1999, interview with Carol Steen and Dr. Peter Grossenbacher.
The Health Report: Synesthesia Australian Broadcasting Corporation, July 8, 1996, interview with Richard E. Cytowic.
The synesthetic experience Synesthesia and the synesthetic experience Steve Mann, MIT. Neuroscience for Kids - Synesthesia Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D. Synaesthesia, metaphor and right-brain functioning Patrick Martin.
Synaesthesia tests, surveys and experiments onlineThe Synesthesia Battery This battery of tests provides a standard battery of questions, tests and scoring. This test is available to the whole community of researchers and synesthetes for their use in making scientific progress. Developed in Dr. David Eagleman's laboratory. Colour Survey for synaesthetes who see letters and/or numbers in colours.Synesthesia-Test Only those who percieve consciously can recognize their synaesthesia. Synaesthesia in Children Jennifer Green, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. Color of Sound - Concrete the Studio an informal experiment to test the color of sound, Emily Flippin Maruna. Mirror Touch Synaesthesia Study a 'Survey Vista' by Naomi Hillman, MSC student at the University of East London in the UK.
The future of Synesthesia & Art:
connecting resources and ideas
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Extending the Synesthetic Code:
connecting synesthesia, memory and artby Dr. Hugo Heyrman
- Extending the Synesthetic Code: connecting synesthesia, memory and art lecture by Dr. Hugo Heyrman, March 2007.
- Art and Synesthesia: in search of the synesthetic experience lecture by Dr. Hugo Heyrman, presented at the 'Primer congreso internacional sobre arte y sinestesia / First International Conference on Art and Synesthesia in Europe', University of Almería, the International Foundation Artecittà, and Cuevas de Almanzora, Spain, 25-28 July 2005.
- Tele-Synaesthesia: the telematic future of the senses lecture by Dr. Hugo Heyrman, published in the 'Encyclopedia of Postmodernism', London and New York: Routledge, 2001.
- Say-Synaesthesia What is Synaesthesia? Are Synesthetes people of the future? Dr. Hugo Heyrman.
- The Senses overview of receptors: rod and cone cells, Dr. Hugo Heyrman.
- Synesthesia and Fuzzy Functions Dr. Hugo Heyrman.
- Synesthesia and Intersenses: Intermedia Dick Higgins with an Appendix by Hannah Higgins.
- David Hockney - The Colors of Music a film by Maryte Kavaliauskas and Seth Schneidman.
- Future Media Research Automated Synaesthesia, Nicholas Gaffney and Maja Kuzmanovic (FOAM).
- Synesthesia: role and meaning Zvi Rosenstein.
- Creativity and Sensation: the case for synaesthetic media John A. Waterworth.
- Eyes 'N Ears: a system for attentive teleconferencing Bill Kapralos, Centre for Vision Research, York University, North York.
- Edge The Reality Club, Third Culture, Digerati...
Tele-synaesthesia and new media art
- Fuzzy Dreamz a project by Dr. Hugo. Explore the telematics of the mind, from fear to fun and the poetic power of a sense of wonder. A syntax of cinematic montage in relation to synaesthetic dream experiences.
- Sinnich Steffi Lindner created a wonderful website, inspired by Dr. Hugo's 'tele-synaesthesia'. You will learn more about synaesthesia by playing with your senses, anologies and associations.
- Foreign Correspondence is an ongoing project exploring arbitrary and absolute links between sound and light/image, liveness and playback by Rob Flint.
- Synaesthesia Movies exploring the possible relationships between sound and color & sound and form, Gerard Leckey, Concordia University, Montreal.
- Visual Poetry & Interactive Poems by Dr. Hugo.
- The Library, Multi: Multiple-user Laser Table Interface system to support a collaborative interactive synesthetic experience, by Nancy Paterson.
Synesthesia in poems and poetry
- The Wild Flower Song William Blake
- June Nights Victor Hugo
- Alone Edgar Allen Poe
- Correspondances Charles Baudelaire
- Dying Emily Dickinson
- À Rebours Joris-Karl Huysmans
- Voyelles Arthur Rimbaud
- The Tobacconist's Fernando Pessoa
- In Dream Anna Akhmatova
- Chapter Heading Ernest Hemingway
- Speak, Memory Vladimir Nabokov
- Poetry Pablo Neruda
- A Song Joseph Brodsky
- Hear me with your eyes Juana Inés de la Cruz
Synesthetes online
- Synaesthesia Sean A. Day
- Blue Cats and Chartreuse Kittens: How Synesthetes Color Their World Patricia Lynne Duffy
- Optimnem official site of Daniel Tammet, a high-functioning autistic savant
- Synesthesia at Ariannel's Syn
- Synaesthesia Elizabeth A. Pector, M.D.
- Letter-Color Synesthesia Cassidy Curtis
- Synesthete perspectives Carol Steen
- Retroglobe -- Synaesthesia Christian Liljeberg
- Synesthete perspectives Karen Chenausky
- Synesthesia - Really Deep Thoughts Leanne Meschwitz
- Synesthesia Rob Schurko
- Synaesthesia Sarah's Syn Site
- Mate Space: Synaesthesia Jennifer Maite
- Welcome to the world of synaesthesia James Wannerton
- Synaesthesia txilar
- Synäesthesieforum Regina Pautzke
- Synesthesia: the inter-relationships between the Arts, and future project Mª José de Córdoba
- New Age Harlot - how harlotry healed me a Blog by Mellisa Moon
- Synaesthesia Dianne Collier
- Synesthesia and photography Marcia Smilack, Reflectionist
- a site for people gifted with synaesthesia - a blending of sensual perception
- Marc J. Mächler
- I confess--I have synesthesia--do you? Holly Phaneuf
- My Special Synaesthesia Site Eckhard Freuwört
- Sinestesia – Italia Luana Donetti, a social network for italian synaesthetes.
Synesthesia, letters, numbers and colours
- Trends in colored letter synesthesia Sean A. Day.
- Synesthesia and Number/Letter Color Imagery Tony De Caprio.
Synesthesia, sound, music and colour- A Brief History of Synaesthesia and Music Sean A. Day.
- The Colour Museum Britain's one and only museum of colour.
- Synaesthesia a music visualization program, Paul Harrison.
- The dream of color music, and machines that make it possible William Moritz.
- Kristinn R Thorisson's Synthetic Synesthesia system Geometric Sound Mixer (GSM).
Synesthesia, new media and software
- u & i software MetaSynth.
- Rhythmic Light Fred Collopy.
- Synesthesia, Multimedia & the Caves of Altamira Rich Young.
Neuroscience, neuroesthetics and ethics The Mind's Eye —Neuroscience, Synesthesia, and Art C. Justin Romano, Neurology Institute of Neuroesthetics Prof. Semir Zeki, University College London & Berkeley, California.
Dr. Hugo Heyrman, life and works- Biography
- The paintings, a chronology
- Personal exhibitions
- Selected group exhibitions & online art projects
- Mobile Museum of Modern Media
- Artworker Foundation
- Artworker Star
- Happenings in Belgium
- Collections
- Selected Bibliography
- Wikipedia Entry
Social Networks
More on Synesthesia *Synesthesia (also spelled synæsthesia or synaesthesia, plural synesthesiae or synaesthesiae) —from the Ancient Greek σύν (syn), meaning “with” and αἴσθησις (aisthēsis), meaning “sensation” —is a neurological condition in which otherwise normal people experience the blending of two or more senses. In one common form of synesthesia, known as grapheme → color synesthesia, letters or numbers are perceived as inherently colored, while in ordinal linguistic personification, numbers, days of the week and months of the year evoke personalities. In spatial-sequence, or number form synesthesia, numbers, months of the year, and/or days of the week elicit precise locations in space (for example, 1980 may be “farther away” than 1990), or may have a three-dimensional view of a year as a map (clockwise or counterclockwise). —Definition from Wikipededia.* "If you ask synesthetes if they wish to be rid of it, they almost always say no. For them, it feels like that's what normal experience is like. To have that taken away would make them feel like they were being deprived of one sense."
—Simon Baron-Cohen, synesthesia researcher at the University of Cambridge.
* "Synesthesia has implications for every major aspect of cognition: perception, attention, language, memory, emotion, and consciousness. In turn, in order to understand synaesthesia, one has to consider these aspects as well as their development and neural basis." —Noam Sagiv* "Synesthesia is a love story between the senses" —Dr. Hugo Heyrman
* A translation of this 'Synesthesia' page into the Belorussian language by Amanda Lynn is to be found here.
* Synesthesia / Translations:
Česky - Synestezie,
Dansk - Synæstesi,
Deutsch - Synästhesie,
Ελληνικά - Συναισθησία,
Español - Sinestesia,
فارسی - هم رنجی,
Suomi - Synestesia,
Français - Synesthésie,
Galego - Sinestesia,
עברית - סינסתזיה,
Hrvatski - Sinestezija,
Magyar - Szinesztézia,
Íslenska - Samskynjun,
Italiano - Sinestesia,
日本語 - 共感覚,
ქართული - სინესთეზია,
Lietuvių - Sinestezija,
Nederlands - Synesthesie,
Norsk (nynorsk) - Synestesi,
Norsk (bokmål) - Synestesi,
Polski - Synestezja,
Português - Sinestesia,
Русский - Синестезия,
English - Synesthesia,
Slovenčina - Synestézia,
Slovenščina - Sinestetičnost,
Svenska - Synestesi,
Türkçe - Sinestezi,
* Dr. Hugo's synesthesia keywords: synesthesia, colored hearing, synesthésie, audition colorée, synästhesie, farbenhören, sinestetica, sinestezia, tele-synaesthesia, sinestesia, sinestesie, sinestesi, virtual synesthesia, nocturnal synesthesia, interactive synesthesia, audio synaesthesia, conceptual synaesthesia, touch reception, tangoreception, exteroreceptive sensations, audio-visual-olfactory, light sorrow, intersensory transfer, seemingnesses, inter-sensorial, harmony of the senses, internal sensations, olfaction, audiovisual polyphony, sensory couplings, déjà vu, verbochromia, associations of similarity, interoreceptive sensations, photisms, prosopagnosia, face-blindness, sixth sense, hypersensitivity, eidetic memory, mind pictures, dyscalculia, audiovisual counterpoint, spatial thinking, the mixing of the senses, numerically dyslexic, proprioreceptive sensations, loaded mind, reverse prosopagnosia, polysensory system, monosensory, third eye, java sparrow: a phenomena of knowing things beforehand, prophetic dreams, bisensory, twice-modes, crossed wires, uncommon senses, eidetic imagery, the private life of the senses, synaesthetic media, extraordinary conscious experiences, a unity of senses, synchrony of 40hz oscillations, digit-colour synaesthesia, perceptual modules, pseudosynaesthesia, sensory modality, synesthetic silence, a union of the senses, cross-modal transfer, somaesthetic sensations, chromophobia, mnemosyne, photographic memory, chronochromie, pitch perception, categorical perception, chromaesthesia, colour communication, semantic mediation, coloured vowels, sensorium, vestibular sense, peripheral vision, signal feedback, the stereoscopic space of experience, temperature perception, colourblindness, eideticism, taste colorizations, internal vision, pheromonal influences, mind analogy, crossed wired, mental display, clairvoyance, prophetic dreams, hypersensitivity, autism, sequencial synaesthesia, mind sets, colored emotion, asperger's syndrome, marmalade skies, synaesthetic screen, synaesthetic space, word and flavour associations, multi-coloured spheres, temperature perceptions, colored time, color center, echoing, transliminality, disordering of the senses, vowels as colors, ignominy, train of thought, perceptual distortions, letter-colour association, perceptual symmetry distortion, indelible memory, eideticism, adjacent brain maps, synesthetic metaphors, excitatory connections, chromographemia, idiosyncratic experience, synesthetic visions, hypersensitivity of the senses, synesthetic déjà vu, synsations, flavored voices, colored emotions, synesthetic poetry, psychoacoustics, crossed senses, synesthetes, neurology, auras and geometric patterns, mythological synesthesia, colored personality, the human sensorium, mirror-touch synesthesia, hyperthymestic syndrome, phantom smells, polysensory memory, phonetic synaesthesia, phonesthesia, radiosonic synaesthesia, virtual synesthesia, coloured concepts, kaleidescope eyes, crossed senses, multisensory research...
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Friday, September 9, 2011
Synesthesia - Dr. Hugo Heyrman ( ( (Motions of the Mind) ) )
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