Monday, June 25, 2012

Conversation Log with Ex-Mossad Agent 1/15/12


Begin forwarded message:

From: PowersThatBeat 
Date: January 15, 2012 1:07:54 AM CST
Conversation between @vaxen_var and @elyssad

@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/15/12 12:58 AM
When is your birthday??
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:28 PM
Thanks. Catcha in a bit!
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:27 PM
Yes. I'm 8 credits shy. I may just want another masters. Or maybe I can teach online courses. Have advanced masters from Columbia & law cred
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:25 PM
Not really city, I may be able to convince my mom to loan me $1500 or so to buy used car for my 40th birthday. She is feeling guilty lately
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:23 PM
Lehitraot... Shavua Tov, Lach...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:23 PM
Ok. I'll go on, then, and switch profiles & see ya in an hour or so.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:23 PM
You find a city you'd want to be in. Ok! Than no problems with Aliya. But your Doctorate could be gotten anywhere, yes?
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:22 PM
Hold on. On phone ordering impt supplies. PC stuff & shredder
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:21 PM
So if you found an apartment in a city you'd like then you'd have to us a voucher. I guess this is on stall for a bit, then, till...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:21 PM
Letter from rabbi. But lost birth certificate after Jude had it in Wyoming. Can order copy.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:21 PM
More of a hassle, now, than when I did 'Aliya' I hear. Many American 'agencies' frown on dual citizenship too.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:21 PM
I have all documentation ~ maternal grandmother verified !!!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:20 PM
You can use the Right to Return only if your mother is Jewish. Big hassle...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:20 PM
Yes. Vouchers. Not projects. But not all apartment complexes take them. It is transferable.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:19 PM
Of course you could ask HUD (Human Underground Dwellers?) what's available but you'd be far from Vanderbilt, Memphis is nice.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:18 PM
Right to return. Already thought of that
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:18 PM
Does sec 8 mean you have to use 'housing?'
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:17 PM
Of course my favorite city in the world, outside Jerusalem, is San Francisco. Second fav Hong Kong.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:16 PM
My rent would be $600. I pay $149 HUD pays the rest.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:16 PM
No apartments out here. I'm far away from civilization. I wouldn't suggest SC. Atlanta is cool but has a big black section...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:14 PM
FWB friend with benefits :))
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:14 PM
I can drive just can't afford car.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 11:13 PM
I dunno. Georgia. South Carolina? NC? You got any apartments near by? City w transportation & university preferably
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:13 PM
Am switching profiles & browsers for about an hour or so... so I'll be back later. Maybe sooner than an hour. Gl;ad you're ok. OP over?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:12 PM
You can get a drivers license (Not that one needs one legally)?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:12 PM
What's an FWB?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:11 PM
I don't know what civilian sec 8 is... but I am so glad you are "doing so much better" I worry about you. Crazy, I know...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 11:11 PM
Yay! So now I really have something to look forward to! thankyou so much! Another state! Like? That place is better than being homeless.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 10:54 PM
Wrapping your cd. If at first...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 10:46 PM
Doing so much better, Vax. Like night and day. I have what I need. (except transportation and a FWB!)
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 10:41 PM
I may apply for transfer to another state. I have section 8. They pay most my rent. Otherwise I would be homeless. For real.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 10:37 PM
Damn! I wish to Hellja that you would seriously move out of that place. I know that's easier said than done but I can wish it were so, yes?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 10:37 PM
Flouride? The NAZIs used it for mind control But here they say "builds healthy teeth & bones." Unh, hunh. Ever hear about Treblinka?
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 10:12 PM
Have neighbor here helping me straighten up. (installed water filter~ fluoride) crazy shit going on here. Cops all over. Everyone sick (chem
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 10:06 PM
Hello Elyssa Danielle! (Variation of 'HELLO WORLD') Just got online & respondez si vous plezed a few of your tweeities... Dressed in black.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/14/12 8:49 PM
Awesome. Thanks!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 2:41 PM
Free Wireless Networking Tools for Wi-Fi Scanning, Site Survey, Site Planning and Packet Sniffing
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/14/12 2:40 PM
Defeat interference with Wi-Spy
See all RF activity affecting your network
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:53 PM
Thank you, Vax. When the time is right, I'll do it. But just in case I wind up like Bernie's son... Know that the documents are online!
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:52 PM
Save these notes if you can... I have to rewrite The story since it literally went up in flames... ;)
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:50 PM
Thanks. Feeling overwhelmed myself. Thank you for listening. Read up on ERISA if you can. I can topple that too. Too bad daddy's a judge...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:50 PM
Well, gotta go dear one. Hasta. Chin up... Lots of love from the Krewe.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:49 PM
Van just pulled up. Fingers just went numb. Yes wireless is insecure. Especially when Daddy did ABSCAM. (wiretapped the Feds & brags bout it
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:49 PM
You'll be on later?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:49 PM
Twitter is getting to me...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:48 PM
And I can read them later in a more relaxed frame of mind.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:48 PM
Sorry, I am multitasking & this is beginning to wear. Gotta go dear lady. Mind is beginning to 'fog...' FIll in the spaces, if you want...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:47 PM
They are here in Gnashville. I can feel them. I can see them. I can topple the CFTC, GATA, and Half the banks. Google Martin A Armstrong!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:47 PM
Take on Wall Street? That's 'hacking at the branches.' We need to cut the root!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:46 PM
Thinking Clearly About the Abduction Phenomenon
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:46 PM
I told you why! They sent wrong application to wrong school via FedEx. This was in '95. I had aspie fit, they banned me! Oops!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:45 PM
Could be just 'wireless junk.' Yes, prepared to win!
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:44 PM
Wireless is so ... inefficient. Radio signals can be co-opted in a myriad of ways. You know that... You must find out who "THEY" are!
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:44 PM
Yes. And I am prepared to take on Wall Street but not in a tent without a leader. I know what this case means. Supreme Court ruled on Blue
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:43 PM
Or tear asumder... Banned! From Kinko! Mwuhahahahaha! Accolades! What on earth for? If I might ask...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:42 PM
Upper hand... we are masters of the 'invisible.' One you absolutely know that fact there will be no real problems you can't deal with.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:42 PM
My PCs are still not secure. I know this. They reset MY Internet connection just a few hours ago. Pissed me off to no end. But in progress~
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:41 PM
A firmer control over your image gination capabilities. I've been known to use real 'Magick' in court battles... whatever gives you the...
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:41 PM
Think a little more pragmatically as that 'stuff' won't do you much good in the 'present court system.' Unless, and until, you realise...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:40 PM
Banned from Kinkos! They sent my NYU application to Vanderbilt and vice versa. Got scholarships to both, but banned from Kinkos! Aspie rage!
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:39 PM
I have come to believe that my dad and I are "players" in the galactic war. That is, he is reptilian Crown, Estate, Invisible Hand. I am she
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:39 PM
You can even print/publish a book through them... just an idea.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:39 PM
Well a good word processing program & a printer... You could use .. Kinkos, too! ;) I used to... they're good. A good re-source.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:38 PM
I meant more of an open, tet a tet, confrontation .. not a text message! Briefs in hand!
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:37 PM
Yes. And when the time is right, it will be told. My blogs garner too much attention. Maybe I should get typewriter. The cast of characters?
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:37 PM
Glean the power from source. Source is something. Know about the Pleiades? Funnels all the power of the galactic hub to us.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:36 PM
Gorilla law... asymmetrical warfare.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:36 PM
Yes. I sent him a text message & told him I knew everything. No response from him. Nada. Adam Dread tipped him off to my blog. Daddy no like
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:35 PM
It can be done 3rd person... a biographical novel.
vaxen_var (@vaxen_var)
1/13/12 3:35 PM
You have to keep 'bringing it.' Or drop it and pursue a life of leisure on your own...
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:35 PM
Flames came shooting out of my dashboard on Queens Blvd. Coincidence? I dunno. But I have a LOT of info. I'm just one. But I will tell story
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:33 PM
Oh, I brought it! Trust me, I brought it! It was like nothing you've ever seen. The day I met with the IRS CID (Criminal investigations Div)
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:31 PM
Yup. All of which has turned up fraudulent since I asked my dad to manage my account a few years ago. It has been revoked, but TRUST acct $$
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:30 PM
I'm also one of "theirs" in the sense that they have accounts in my name. I don't see a dime and I've never been declared incompetent.
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:28 PM
No interest in building a case right now. If you knew the whole story, you would see that writing a book or selling the rights MUCH more $$$
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:27 PM
I can't. My dad IS computer crimes. Getting the picture?
@ELyssaD™ (@ELyssaD)
1/13/12 3:26 PM

Posted via email from DailyDDoSe

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