Thursday, June 28, 2012

NEAL RAUHAUSER --> White Hat: th3j35t3r trolls @krypt3ia #SWAT

This just gets more and more interesting... To be continued...

Date: June 27, 2012 1:46:56
NEAL RAUHAUSER --> White Hat: th3j35t3r trolls @krypt3ia


Begin forwarded message:

From: Neal Rauhauser <>
Date: April 24, 2012 11:33:38 PM CDT
To: Elyssa Durant 
Subject: New discussion White Hood v. White Hat: th3j35t3r trolls @krypt3ia

LinkedIn Following

  • Group: Aurora Cyberconflict Research Group

Neal Rauhauser has started a discussion: White Hood v. White Hat: th3j35t3r trolls @krypt3ia

"For the sake of those who don't follow the minutia of the running battle between Anonymous and white hood hacker th3j35t3r, this is the latest shot in a five day old cage match that involves jester and his small band of supporters against pretty much everyone else on the internet. The hostilities opened when @doxbin aka nachash of Encyclopedia Dramatica posted a grim set of dox - name, address, birthdate, and SSNs for seven people close to th3j35t3r AND their immediate family. Later that day th3j35t3r was sighted in #doxbin on attempting to intimidate a couple of sassy fifteen year olds who weren't involved in the actual doxing. I think Terban was first noticed by supporters of th3j35t3r in early 2010 when he posted something in an Infragard forum regarding tracking th3j35t3r. He was scolded by @rjacksix, Robin Jackson, who won the DoD Cyber Crime Center forensic challenge later that year with his partner @Cephurs, Ed Williams. These men are two of the seven who appear in the dox dump and they're the only ones of the group that impress me as having any sort of serious capabilities. The other five were Jen Emick, Kelly Hallisey, Linda Miller, Tom Ryan, and a relative unknown, Shawn Morin. The first four are white hat (hood?) versions of Anonymous Fameball Barrett Brown, while this was the first time I had heard Morin's name. I am sure I missed a number of shots in this battle - anyone else tracking the tit for tat in this escalating exchange?"

Posted via email from DailyDDoSe

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