Friday, November 27, 2015

CyberStalking: SIX years and counting.

Mike Damann @Firetown aka @trevorspeaks have been staking, harassing d0xing, stealing my intellectual property since June of 2010. 

I have done everything in my paper to make them cease and desist posting on forums @infosecisland and FaceBook requesting that they remove my personal information and slanderous comments and false allegations from their respective websites. 

After five years of relentless harassment and horrific gang stalking on birthdays and holidays, I filed a report with @ICANN and notified the FBI that they were actively working with people who were deported from the United States and taken into custody on 9/11 for their ties to anti-American terrorist cells.

After receiving my detailed report and analysis of Jude Vosika's site that not only d0xed my father but plagiarized a considerable about of original content that I wrote for several freelance publications. 

Jude's response was hardly rational since she called the police and hired @JasonBWhitman to secure her ridiculous website during Thanksgiving 2010. She made false allegations to the police, on hers and other websites including my Wordpress site where she logged in under the name Vaxen Var who is a dear friend of mine that has supported me despite the mental heath problems and severe depression that was the direct result of constant, prolonged threats against my family, my cat and myself.

It has been nearly six years since they started stalking me and though I feel 110% better with the help of expensive medication to keep me from taking my own life, I will never be the same beautiful, carefree, professional academic that I was before she and her friends targeted me for reasons unknown. 

As amazing as it seems, both Jude Vosika, Mike Damann (@Firetown @rockingjude @trevorspeaks) are still staking and harassing me and my friends online and in real life. I noticed that Mike had been tweeting at me a few weeks ago and then started following every person with a public account who speaks with me and I received several notifications that my various accounts have been locked for security reason and for multiple attempts to login unusual locations. 

Give that they have historically attacked me on birthdays and holidays it seems more than likely that Jude and Mike are the offending criminals. 

It worth noting that Jude went into hacker forums begging some of the most infamous and nefarious hackers of our time. 

Having said that, I was not neatly as devastated or horrified when I saw seven new posts in pastebin 
a few days ago.

And that the DailyDDoSe for November 22, 2014. 

Just me, e 

Mike Damann @Firetown aka @trevorspeaks have been staking, harassing d0xing, stealing my intellectual property since June of 2010. 

I have done everything in my paper to make them cease and desist posting on forums @infosecisland and FaceBook requesting that they remove my personal information and slanderous comments and false allegations from their respective websites. 

After five years of relentless harassment and horrific gang stalking on birthdays and holidays, I filed a report with @ICANN and notified the FBI that they were actively working with people who were deported from the United States and taken into custody on 9/11 for their ties to anti-American terrorist cells.

After receiving my detailed report and analysis of Jude Vosika's site that not only d0xed my father but plagiarized a considerable about of original content that I wrote for several freelance publications. 
Jude's response was hardly rational since she called the police and hired @JasonBWhitman to secure her ridiculous website during Thanksgiving 2010. She made false allegations to the police, on hers and other websites including my Wordpress site where she logged in under the name Vaxen Var who is a dear friend of mine that has supported me despite the mental heath problems and severe depression that was the direct result of constant, prolonged threats against my family, my cat and myself.

It has been nearly six years since they started stalking me and though I feel 110% better with the help of expensive medication to keep me from taking my own life, I will never be the same beautiful, carefree, professional academic that I was before she and her friends targeted me for reasons unknown. 

As amazing as it seems, both Jude Vosika, Mike Damann (@Firetown @rockingjude @trevorspeaks) are still staking and harassing me and my friends online and in real life. I noticed that Mike had been tweeting at me a few weeks ago and then started following every person with a public account who speaks with me and I received several notifications that my various accounts have been locked for security reason and for multiple attempts to login unusual locations. 

Give that they have historically attacked me on birthdays and holidays it seems more than likely that Jude and Mike are the offending criminals. 

It worth noting that Jude went into hacker forums begging some of the most infamous and nefarious hackers of our time. 

Having said that, I was not neatly as devastated or horrified when I saw seven new posts in pastebin 
a few days ago.

And that the DailyDDoSe for November 22, 2015. 

Just me, e






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