Flashbacks to the last time I lost my insurance benefits and my sanity almost a decade ago.
The state cut off my healthcare benefits because Karen claimed me as a dependent child living in NY and they based my benefits on her unreported income.
She claimed me as a dependent child and even for food stamps while she was living in a $750,000 two bedroom townhouse in New York.
When I went to file my taxes, my tax return was rejected by the IRS due to duplicate taxpayer ID. I had to file an appeal with the IRS and the State to reinstate my benefits and lost everything I owned.
The IRS eventually ruled in my favor but it took 7 months to get it straightened out. I was working for Tennessee Government and had a pension in Metro Governmentt in Nashville but it took 7 months to straighten out during which time Lauren was handling my accounts upon my request and couldn't get her shit straightened out to pay my bills on time lost EVERYTHING.
First my apartment, then my license because I was living in my car in my car until I got a new apartment for Spotty and I on August 8.
I got pulled over (for reason unknown) the cop asked me for my license, registration and proof of insurance. I had the legally required auto liability insurance but the dumb cop wouldn't accept a digital copy on my Blackberry Pearl 8120 and gave me a ticket I couldn't pay.
It was the Blackberry I bought at T-Mobile with the $100 birthday gift you got me during the Obama Campaign.
I still remember the day we celebrated at the Harvard Club in New York City when Obama won the election.
If you remember correctly, I was in New York and that ER physician asked me to marry him I was dating asked me to marry him and told me I could be his little Sarah Palin. We had spent the weekend in Oyster Bay and as much as I enjoyed the lifestyle I simply could not spend my life living in a Penthouse on 96th Street as a "wife" and give up all my passion and dreams for some rich doctor who was more interested in my looks than my brains.
He wanted to come in to the Harvard Club to ask for your "blessing" but after the Sarah Palin comment on our way Nazi into the City, I didn't know who to throw out of the car first. Him or myself.
Left my cell in his fancy Mercedes and the Maître d' brought it over to our table on a silver platter. You told me to remove the battery since we were talking smack about the election and you were well aware of the long arm of big brother able to activate cell phones as listening devices even when they are not in use.
We were celebrating the election results and had quite a few cocktails before dinner. You took photos and forced me to join Facebook if I wanted to see them.
Cambridge Analytica, Dad?
After the election, inauguration and transition team, I went back to writing exclusively paid per word or per visit to the website depending on the publication contract (syndication, etc.) ans got sidelined when I went to file my taxes and learned that I couldn't file because someone already used my Taxpayer ID on another return.
I learned that it was Karen and she refused to file an amended return.
Once the new admin was in place I was offered a postititon with fhe Executive Service to handle Complex Medicaid cases that required investigations and a written response from the Governor himself. So I wrote the letters, and he signed them to make it official.
When that tax snafu happened it held up my FBI background check for 6 months and I lost my mind, my benefits and
eventually my job.
Then shit went from bad to worse.
Couldn't afford gas or to renew my registration and insurance and got a ticket while I was parked AT the Dept of Motor Vehicles for expired tags the day Michael Jackson died and then lost my license for a non moving offense.
My car died anyway and gas was over $6 gallon in Nashville at that time and there was no food, medicine, electric or cell service during the great flood of Nashville since the Army Corp of Engineers misappropriated federal funds to the wrong zip code and I was living in my closet for a while with Spotty because of the constant tornado sirens.
Karen got mad that I didn't return her phone call to to tell me she was marrying another asshole in Vegas and disconnected my cell phone and had my car towed when she learned my address from a third party.
Stupid c*nt told me she needed my address to send me a birthday gift she got me from Hawaii.
Needless to say, there was no gift and it was especially curious that she only remembered MY birthday in March two weeks before her own.
She then had ny cell phone (my ONLY lifeline to the world as I had no TV, cable or internet and then she had my car towed from my parking spot outside my apartment and donated it to charity for $115.
She took another charitable tax deduction on MY car, registered in MY name and has it towed from right outside my apartment without even telling me. I had to run out there and get my files out of the car for that because there was really nothing I could do to change his mind once it was up on the flatbed.
It is simply beyond me how she manages to repeatedly gain access to my information and accounts despite all the boundaries I've put up and the number of times she's told me that she doesn't want anything to do with me and my "vicious attacks" but you've seen the videos and everyone knows she's psychotic, hysterical, histrionic,
narcissistic delusional gold digging ho and a menace to society and my health and well being.
I was no longer able to drive to work anymore so I couldn't renew my credentials and licensing fees.
The end.
Your 3rd favorite child. Not including the dog.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
Sunday, August 8, 2021
DailyDDose 📓 August 8, 2021
I took fewer steps today because I walk at night when it's cool.
It's too hot to go outside today.
Rose is coming tomorrow morning. She doesn't know that the entire AC system was sealed and sanitized.
That explains A LOT that they found black mold in the vents.
Explains why I get so sick every time I come home from the hospital.
Also, explains the high electric bills and the filth and film I see all over the walls and the vents.
They've been replaced but the cabinets don't close.
All of these things support what I've been saying. I haven't said anything to Karen yet because I need time off from her brand of crazy. The only way to get her to do something is by addressing it legally.
She still thinks she should have what Rita has and wants Gram's Picasso.
She sees my illness as her meal ticket to extort money from you. She thinks she is owed money from you for only god knows what but it's been going on for decades.
She used to ask you and Grandpa Al to give her money for this amd that. Told him it was for me and she tried to get Grandma Lil's money before she died. Tried to have her body exhumed over a pair of earrings she was buried with. Told Scott they were for me.
I sent him a letter telling him this and he did not cave to her sick obsession.
Anyhoo… looks like I can finally get the apartment painted and I will pick out the color this time and insist upon it.
Here's my yearly progress.
It was going down until recently.
I go back on the 18th to the Endocrinology Institute and they will begin treatment.
My thyroid is so bad, I can't even put on the necklace gram gave me when we went to Walmart to buy me a TV.
I have to say I finally got my TV set up and I am loving having YouTube on my TV with surround sound!!
Also, never send me that Anmie song again.
I like The Stones, Beatles, Les Miz…
I do my exercises to music. Now that I found my iPhone 8 I use it as an iPod for music. I can tune anything out as long as I have music, my phone and my vape.
Love you,
Elyssa Durant
-- Research and Policy Analyst
Elyssa Durant Research and Policy Analyst
Thursday, August 5, 2021
DAILyDDoSe August 5, 2021: We have a Karen situation - Part One
Code Orange: Karen
Agent of Chaos

Begin forwarded message:
From: Elyssa
Date: August 5, 2021 at 4:42:20 PM EDT
To: Karen Kahn <karenkahn@ymail.com>
Subject: Re: AC Grills and mold
Date: August 5, 2021 at 4:42:20 PM EDT
To: Karen Kahn <karenkahn@ymail.com>
Subject: Re: AC Grills and mold
Well that clearly never happened so where is this guy and why are you not telling me that Darrell's going to do it who is completely incompetent?
On Aug 5, 2021, at 9:06 AM, Karen Kahn <karenkahn@ymail.com> wrote:
It's 438 I don't have time for this guy to come over so I can because I have to go up to deal with an emergency situation OK you have absolutely no idea what's going on with me and you don't care so as long as your concern the more comfortable I am the better it is for you so that you can rent the apartment to somebody else trust me that's not happening I'm not moving out but this place will be up to code.
I want the name I want his license and insurance and insurance number and that he's bonded and we can start there because you're not just tell me the people are coming over that's not the way things are done I was very serious health condition had a spinal tap the other day they still have a deal idea just how bad it is and quite honestly I almost died because you left me on the floor screaming and said there's so many questions about that but I now have 14 neurosurgeon specialist trying to figure out what the hell happened because you won't even tell the truth to save my life.
And to be quite honest the clear thing is you won't tell the truth to save your own life.
On Aug 5, 2021, at 9:06 AM, Karen Kahn <karenkahn@ymail.com> wrote:
Someone is coming this afternoon to address the grills and mold issue. He will be measuring your AC grills so that he can replace them with new clean ones. He will also wash down and treat the walls around the grills. He will take whatever means are necessary to eliminate the possibility of mold in the future.
🌴 Karen 🌴
Sent from my iPad
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