daily dose of tmi 1/27/11
She is a Monarch. She was supposed to take me out.Black ops have been interrogating me. Nazi mind control. I'm not being dramatic.Well I did just tell a few ppl to go fuck themselves but the same day black ops came in - my dms were cleaned out (e getting damn good I made copies) but my they my neighbor dead on the floor. That's twice.Coincidence? Me thinks not.I'm not a monarch I'm not a manchurian candidate I read the manual.Cathy obrian the only known survivor of mkultra?Gueaa where she wound up! Nashville TennesseeBreathe. Jerry is the only person in the unites states who has my number.I'm a little freaked out because Kevin (spademaccool just sent me another 4 dms to tell me he will be silent! Does that sound like silent to you? Oh boy. I think I have to block him I hope he doesn't pull some drama queen shit because he's been doing that a lot and me aspergers don't like the double talk.If anything- in the Nazi handbook training manual I was given - for real to help THEM figure out where Jude failed (omg this is is so serious so why am I laughing - well because they are coming to me for help when I'm their fucking target)Anywho I may be a delta δ as in delta force. They dropped all sorts of nazi crap and i told them to fuck off and they unfollowed deleted the tweets where they gave me "the manual" and contact number in Iceland and then a few hours later I have crime scene unit and a dead body.It was male homicide. Not anywhere near my description but the time frame is suspect. Kinda like right after I got back from wyowyintheworld there was a swat team here for 18-20 hours. Automatic rifles and not one mention of it in the news.Also a post got circulated a few days ago that I was missing person who is acting strange because she is not returning my text messages. What is wrong with you men?I don't like him and even if I did have text messaging I would block him too if I could lolll!FuckheadsOkay enough I know you need a break from me but I miss my #strooptician and #masterDeStractor4mayhem.Rofl. Omg if you just saw the rant I posted on facebook. They actually threatened to terminate my acct because apparently some people (in "private chat") felt my content to be spammy or abusive.Duh. Fucking idiots. If I didn't want the CIA to know I think they are assholes I wouldn't post it on facebook weekly and twitter daily!FuckTheC.ocaine I.mporters of A.mericaAssholes. !Love you mister jones!Ps @spottyx is suspended on twitter. Apparently even my kitteh is a terrorist by US standards.Anyhoo take note of Jerry's email. He is the only person in the entire united states that I actually respect enough to answer his callsOne last thing- their dossier is outdated. They didn't know I have aspergers. And even the Nazis did not exterminate ppl with aspies bc they felt they were too valuable to whatever is supposed to come after you kill off all the weak ones (a theory btw, I kinda understand !Off with their heads!Okay there's my daily dose of TMI.January 27, 2011Now I have to try to be normal. Oh yeah- I forgot that I also tweeted the local news to tell them they suck at their jobs. Oops! But they do! LollOkay. Medication time. I'm having to much fun for someone who just learned I had a fucking god Nazi sleeper assigned to shout fire and do only god knows what!Sigh.Blue pillXoxo,e
edd, edm
On 2011 Ian. 26, at 12:47, js wrote:Fuck jude.
Oh, and I'n fine :)
She a phony shit.
That bloodbrainbarrier of hers.You okay over there? edd, edm
On 2010 Kek. 20telling, this tweet, eh?
On 20 Dec 2010 wrote:
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