Thursday, April 7, 2011

Stealing Your Neighbor's WIFI Signal is Still Illegal || I WILL BE POSTING THIS TONIGHT

Stealing Your Neighbor's WIFI Signal is Still Illegal

Tuesday, February 08, 2011



A recent poll by Wakefield Research and the Wi-Fi Alliance reveals that nearly one third of respondents admit to piggybacking on a neighbors unsecured WI-FI connection.

The percentage is about double the number that admitted to stealing WI-FI access in a previous poll in 2008.

Unsecured WI-FI connections pose a security threat to both the owner of the connection and to those who might "borrow" it from time to time.

Either way, an unsecured connection leaves sensitive data such as login passwords and credit card details vulnerable to harvesting by software such as Firesheep.

And yes, stealing your neighbors WI-FI signal is still illegal.

"Most consumers know that leaving their Wi-Fi network open is not a good thing, but the reality is that many have not taken the steps to protect themselves. Consumers can usually activate Wi-Fi security protections in a few simple steps, but much like the seatbelts in your car, it won't protect you unless you use it," said Kelly Davis-Felner of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

Owners of unsecured WI-FI connections also run the risk of having any illegal online activity potentially traced back to their ISP connection.

The Wi-Fi Alliance, a non-profit industry association, recommends WI-FI owners take a few easy steps to secure their connection:

  • Set home Wi-Fi networks for WPA2 security 
  • Look for Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ products
  • Look for devices with Wi-Fi Protected Setup
  • Create strong passwords
  • Be smart about hotspot use
  • Turn off automatic connecting

More details on how to accomplish these security precautions can be found here:


Posted via email from Whistleblower

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27:00 AM

    US Gov. Darpa Wifi Immune. Howard Raymond said he can sell any bodies sex, retina eye implant anyone like me and my 82 year old mother and my handicaped brother then sell them at because they are Darpa Wifi Gov. and immune, but the Darpa Wifi Gov. does not exsist.
    Gov. Darpa Wifi Dept. wants me to OK the selling of sex from my room and pay me a million dollars for it. Raymond said the Darpa Wifi Dept. is going to ban me from the internet.

    Believe it or not this is all true and happening to me right now.
    I am Lee I have reports everywhere and have spent thousands in a court case.
    Howard Raymond 72310 Blueridge Ct. Palm Desert, CA. 92260 has all personal info, bank accounts, cc, ss, drivers license and passwords when I used them on my computer! Computer Porn Hijacked!

    Where is the Invasion of Pivacy Act, Freedom of Speech, legalization
    of wifi demonic posession and selling of innocent civilians sex and life?
    Threating me for illegal selling of porn from my computer and Darpa Wifi will implant illegals in my house if I don't have any.
    Raymond said they can change Gov. laws and make them legal, like Microwave Wifi Harassment.

    Two years ago I posted this Country is going down at message board and Howard Raymond, D. Thornton owners implanted and microwave tortured me 2 years.

    Howard uses a Gov. Darpa microwave retina eye implant and Gov. Computer. They wifi's your house with Darpa advanced alien tech. that can project a view like a real cam with none of your own.
    Raymond / Thornton own gay married lovers with stage wives can view and sell porn members sex at their thousands of Darpa Wifi porn sites. This nano program implant is installed from the Internet then from your computer's monitor into the retina of your eye.

    Howard Raymond said his US Darpa Wifi Dept. Wants an OK for selling my sex room my room and pay me a million dollars I won't take. I want the world to know our Government has this demonic king of porn from London Satan wifi implanting torturing criminal scum of the earth immune to lawuits and anything else.
    Billionaire Raymond said all his porn sites are monitored and franchized through US Darpa Wifi Government.
    He said the Darpa Wifi Gov. does not exsist.

    Raymond said he is recording everything in my house right now and have virtualized me in crime to give it to the police if I post this and he said he or his Gov. could kill me now by wifi. (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) invisible microwave retina-eye 6 series number series program implants from your computer or cell phone. Raymond said there are many others implanting citizens for some global mind control !!!

    I have reported this everywhere. He has implanted me and millions and said the US Darpa Gov. Won't acknowledge nor remove it. This unknown implant invisible like a Internet program download in your eye. Gov. Darpa (Defense Advanced Research Projects Projects Agency) Wifi Dept. Retina Eye Implant.

    He used Obama's voice and pictures on my TV and Internet to wifi harass torture his victims and said he or his Gov officalls implanted California and many other states and countries for Global Microwave Mind Control and harassment for his Dapra Wifi Dept. Exe. Warfare Research Dept. !!!

    Members,,, members your sex is being sold with this Darpa invisible eye implant and gov. Computer wifi's your house so they can implant, view and sell your sex from your monitor with no cam of your own!!! They are viewing, talking to by wifi and selling me now and I can't stop them because they are Darpa Wifi Certified Gov. Officals and are immune to laws under their U.S. Global mind control exe.

    So if you feel you are being harassed by ear and mind microwave sound waves or tortured or computer porn hijacked,
    It is probably this US Gov. Darpa Wifi Expert Warfare Research King of Porn Billionaire from London.
