Monday, June 25, 2012

25 June: Solidarity with Bradley Manning and Julian Assange in London, Brisbane and elsewhere

25 June: Solidarity with Bradley Manning and Julian Assange in London, Brisbane and elsewhere

by wiseupforbm,
June 24th 2012

Bradley Manning: Motion Hearing at Fort Meade, solidarity in London

Bradley Manning has another pretrial court hearing on Monday 25 June in the US. As well as demonstrations at Fort Meade and elsewhere around the world, Bradley’s supporters will be back outside the US Embassy in London in solidarity from 3pm BST.

US Embassy
Grosvenor Square
London W1A 2LQ.

Nearest tubes: Marble Arch and Bond Street.

The vigil will start with 30 minutes of silence facing the embassy. This will be followed by speeches and music.

Veterans for Peace UK and London Catholic Worker will be bringing placards and banners but please feel free to make / bring your own.

More info here.

Julian Assange: Request to Ecuador for asylum, solidarity in London

The vigil that has been maintained at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London since the middle of last week in solidarity with Julian Assange, continues outside the Embassy every day. Julian is seeking political and protective asylum in Ecuador and the vigil is being continued while a decision is awaited and while Julian remains in the sanctuary of the Embassy.

The rally planned for the Swedish embassy on 28 June is now on hold until this situation is resolved.

Ecuadorian Embassy
Flat 3B
3 Hans Crescent
London SW1X 0LS.

Nearest Tube: Knightsbridge

More info here.

Photos from the vigil: IT Friends of Bradley Manning on flickr.

Contact number for both London vigils: Mobile 07 866 559 312

Banner drop in Wrexham

There will be banner drops for Bradley Manning in Wrexham on 25 June during the morning and evening rush hours.

Meanwhile, in Brisbane

London Catholic Worker Ciaron O’Reilly continues to organise in solidarity with both Bradley Manning and Julian Assange.

Ciaron writes:

In Brisbane, we return to stage a solidarity vigil with Brad and Julian outside the Supreme Court Brisbane Monday June 25th 12 noon-2pm. The last time we were there, the statue of Themis, the Greek Goddess of Justice, was duly transformed as a shrine to the war dead and hunted anti-war resisters Bradley Manning and Julian Assange.

Days later Themis mysteriously disappeared from the position she has occupied for years. Was she rendered to Guantanamo for her opposition to war and support of Bradley and Julian? Has she surfaced seeking sanctuary in Ecuador?
We dunno. Maybe we will find out more tomorrow?

Join us! Oppose the war! Support anti-war resisters Bradley Manning and Julian Assange. If ya can’t make the vigil, stage your own wherever you are or text a message to the Brisbane vigil during 12 noon-2 pm (3am-5am BST) and we will read it out.
04211 536 45. From outside Australia, text/ sms +61 4211 536 45

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