Saturday, January 9, 2021

Mental Health, Trauma and isolation after Trump Virus 🦠

Gee,  I heard the exact same words when I 22 years old and my  father put my incompetent, psychotic mother in charge and if I wanted to use the insurance I would have to have an evaluation and she would need to be present for all medical appointments. 

 So that going to a hard pass because  he is in effect saying that he doesn't care about my physical health and  thinks the "emergency" is all in my head. 

Now, just so are clear, I have had  quite a few psych evaluations and paid for them myself because I was so haunted and traumatized by these events that I wake up screaming every morning because the nightmares are so vivid and I am terrified to leave my own home. 

The nightmares became so horrific I was afraid to go to sleep and now it's 100x worse because I've woken up quite a few times without shoes, keys, my phone or my medical ID and no idea how I got there or why would they move me without my neck brace; communication devices or any form of identification so doctors know that's I have a severe spinal cord injury, autism and do not communicate well without my iPad and phone to write down my emergency contact info. 

I went through this 1000 times before and I been screaming at the top 🔝 f my lungs that I need a trauma therapist. 

My dad told me that I he won't support me and hung up on more times than I can remember. 

For crying 
For using too many words 
For panic attacks that I get each time I call him. 

I can't feel by hands again and I can't pour water without spilling it. 

I can't hold my  cell phone, turn the buttons of and on and I can't use my remote control or the Internet because it was never paired to my voice or TV. 

For "some" reason I'm the only person in the building who doesn't get emails about the construction or gas leaks and the neighbors complain about the noise and heard me yelling HELP HELP HELP for days until days or weeks later when Seth calls Karen to call an ambulance. 

The ambulance drivers know me and I don't believe they would transfer me without my "go bag" 

They also wouldn't transfer me to an locked enhanced COVID unit with NO medical ID band and refuse WATER, ICE or juice. 


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