Tuesday, November 27, 2018

DailyDDoSe: Healthcare Update November 27, 201

DailyDDoSe: Healthcare Update November 27, 2018

‪I put a salonpas on my inner thigh which hurts from physical therapy. ‬

‪She made me really angry yesterday because I told her she was pushing me too hard and I couldn't walk on Friday and was in pain for 4 days.‬

‪She said she has to show we are making progress for the insurance company. 🥵🥵🥵🥵‬

By the way, I still have not received any notification from my insurance company. Pincecrest will continue to treat me. Pain management said they will not unless I pay $240 cash so I said no. I think I can do without the toradoll injections and the Percocet doesn't really help. I have 5 refills on my muscle relaxers but Manzano wrote me a script for them too. He wanted to write me a script for Valium for the myoclonic seizures and muscle spasms but I told him I already had one. I lost my whole prescription bottle this month. I NEVER do that. It's the first time I've lost my meds so that may be why I'm having more pain and muscle spasms. The pharmacy is trying to reach my psychiatrist to get approval to replace it but he's totally unresponsive. He didn't respond to my calls when I told them it was urgent and didn't respond to the hospital when I told them they gave me the wrong meds.

The first time it will come up as issue is when I go see my psychiatrist next week. But they are so disorganized that I don't think they will notice. It may be a problem at the pharmacy because I take Tier II meds (you have to go through a cheaper medication and have an adverse reaction to it before they will approve a Tier II medication) so they may refuse to pay for my bipolar meds ($1100 for a 30 day supply) and my antidepressant which is $600 for a 30 day supply)

Generally when you switch insurance companies you run into this problem because they all have different prescription formularies.

I've stocked up on bipolar meds and I can go with out them for a few months. My shrink didn't want to prescribe them for the first 6 months that I saw him because my primary diagnosis is "severe major depression without psychosis" and OCD so I had to beg for the bipolar meds and he eventually gave them to me. I'm stocked up for a month and prepared to pay $600-$700 for my antidepressants because as I told you I simply can't go without them.

Elyssa D. Durant
Research & Policy Analyst
Columbia University, New York

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